Viktor Brygadyrenko
Viktor Brygadyrenko
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
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Antimicrobial activity of 50 plant extracts
VV Zazharskyi, P Davydenko, O Kulishenko, IV Borovik, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 27 (2), 163-169, 2019
Community structure of litter invertebrates of forest belt ecosystems in the Ukrainian steppe zone
VV Brygadyrenko
International Journal of Environmental Research 9 (4), 1183-1192, 2015
Changes in the body mass of Megaphyllum kievense (Diplopoda, Julidae) and the granulometric composition of leaf litter subject to different concentrations of copper
V Brygadyrenko, V., Ivanyshyn
Journal of Forest Science 61 (9), 369-376, 2015
Structure of litter macrofauna communities in poplar plantations in an urban ecosystem in Ukraine
LI Faly, TM Kolombar, EV Prokopenko, OY Pakhomov, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 25 (1), 29-38, 2017
Ecology. Folio, Kharkiv (in Ukrainian)
YP Bobyliov, VV Brygadyrenko, VL Bulakhov, VA Gaichenko, VY Gasso, ...
Patterns in the horizontal structure of litter invertebrate communities in windbreak plantations in the steppe zone of the Ukraine
L Faly, V Brygadyrenko
Journal of Plant Protection Research 54 (4), 414-420, 2014
Effect of canopy density on litter invertebrate community structure in pine forests
VV Brygadyrenko
Ekológia (Bratislava) 35 (1), 90-102, 2016
Evaluation of ecological niches of abundant species of Poecilus and Pterostichus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in forests of the steppe zone of Ukraine
VV Brygadyrenko
Entomologica Fennica 27 (2), 81-100, 2016
Influence of diet on the productivity and characteristics of goat milk
N Zazharska, O Boyko, V Brygadyrenko
Indian Journal of Animal Research 52 (5), 711-717, 2018
Effect of lead and cadmium ions upon the pupariation and morphological changes in Calliphora vicina (Diptera, Calliphoridae)
MV Shulman, OY Pakhomov, VV Brygadyrenko
Folia Oecologica 44 (1), 28-37, 2017
The influence of the extent of infestation by helminths upon changes in body weight of sheep in Ukraine
OO Boyko, NM Zazharska, VV Brygadyrenko
Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Ecology 24 (1), 3-7, 2016
Influence of water infusion of medicinal plants on larvae of Strongyloides papillosus (Nematoda, Strongyloididae)
AA Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Ecology 24 (2), 519-525, 2016
Influence of soil moisture on litter invertebrate community structure of pine forests of the steppe zone of Ukraine
VV Brygadyrenko
Folia Oecologica 41 (1), 8-16, 2014
Morphological variability among populations of Harpalus rufipes (Coleoptera, Carabidae): What is more important – the mean values or statistical peculiarities of distribution …
VV Brygadyrenko, DY Reshetniak
Folia Oecologica 41 (2), 109-133, 2014
Influence of moisture conditions and mineralization of soil solution on structure of litter macrofauna of the deciduous forests of Ukraine steppe zone
VV Brygadyrenko
Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Ecology 23 (1), 50–65, 2015
Modeling the bioclimatic range of Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in conditions of global climate change
TA Avtaeva, RA Sukhodolskaya, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems diversity 29 (2), 140-150, 2021
Ground beetles of the tribe Carabini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the main megapolises of Ukraine
A Putchkov, V Brygadyrenko, T Markina
Vestnik Zoologii 53 (1), 3-12, 2019
Influence of essential oils of plants on the migration activity of Tribolium confusum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae)
VO Martynov, OG Titov, TM Kolombar, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 27 (2), 177-185, 2019
Changes in the viability of the eggs of Ascaris suum under the influence of flavourings and source materials approved for use in and on foods
AA Boyko, VV Brygadyrenko
Biosystems Diversity 25 (2), 162-166, 2017
Koncepcija systemy zahodiv z ohorony navkolyshn'ogo pryrodnogo seredovyshha Dnipropetrovs' koi'oblasti na 2005–2015 roky [Concept of system for actions on environment …
OY Pakhomov, VV Brygadyrenko
Vìsn. Dnìpropetr. Unìv. Ser. Bìol. Ekol 13 (1), 213-225, 2005
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Articles 1–20