Gustavo Henrique Siqueira
Gustavo Henrique Siqueira
Associate Professor - School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design at UNICAMP
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Fragility curves for isolated bridges in eastern Canada using experimental results
GH Siqueira, AS Sanda, P Paultre, JE Padgett
Engineering Structures 74, 311-324, 2014
Experimental determination of the lateral stability and shear failure limit states of bridge rubber bearings
O Gauron, A Saidou, A Busson, GH Siqueira, P Paultre
Engineering Structures 174, 39-48, 2018
Effects of Rice Husk Silica on microstructure and mechanical properties of Magnesium-oxychloride Fiber Cement (MOFC)
CM Gomes, AL Garry, E Freitas, C Bertoldo, G Siqueira
Construction and Building Materials 241, 118022, 2020
Performance evaluation of natural rubber seismic isolators as a retrofit measure for typical multi-span concrete bridges in eastern Canada
GH Siqueira, DH Tavares, P Paultre, JE Padgett
Engineering Structures 74, 300-310, 2014
Seismic fragility of bridges: An approach coupling multiple-stripe analysis and Gaussian mixture for multicomponent structures
PA Conde Bandini, JE Padgett, P Paultre, GH Siqueira
Earthquake Spectra 38 (1), 254-282, 2022
Water reuse in the production of non-reinforced concrete elements: an alternative for decentralized wastewater management
NC Duarte, AES Amaral, BGLA Gomes, GH Siqueira, AL Tonetti
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 9 (3), 596-600, 2019
Interfacial mechanics of steel fibers in a high-strength fiber-reinforced self compacting concrete
CA Benedetty, PA Krahl, LC Almeida, LM Trautwein, GH Siqueira, ...
Construction and Building Materials 301, 124344, 2021
Influence of atmospheric humidity on the critical buckling load of reinforced concrete columns
KMM Magalhães, RML Rebello da Fonseca Brasil, ...
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 22 (01), 2250011, 2022
Evaluation of structural capacity of triangular and hexagonal reinforced concrete free-form shells
MSC Garcia, GH Siqueira, LCMV Junior, I Vizotto
Engineering Structures 188, 519-537, 2019
Seismic fragility of a highway bridge in Quebec retrofitted with natural rubber isolators
GH Siqueira, DH Tavares, P Paultre
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 7, 534-547, 2014
Damage estimation in reinforced concrete buildings from induced earthquakes in Brazil
AHA da Silva, EMV Pereira, GL Pita, GH Siqueira, LCM Vieira Jr
Engineering Structures 234, 111904, 2021
Tolerances for TBM thrust load based on crack opening performance of fiber-reinforced precast tunnel segments
PA Krahl, II Palomo, SJ de Castro Almeida, GH Siqueira, NOP Júnior, ...
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 111, 103847, 2021
A novel approach to characterize the direct shear pullout behavior of single hooked steel fibers
PA Krahl, MF Pereira, GM Dalfré, GH Siqueira
Cement and concrete composites 113, 103685, 2020
Evaluation of limit state of stress and strain of free-fixed columns with variable geometry according to criteria from the Brazilian code for concrete structures
AM Wahrhaftig, KMM Magalhães, GH Siqueira
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 17 (01), e244, 2020
Environmentally friendly interlocking concrete paver blocks produced with treated wastewater
AL Tonetti, NC Duarte, MRR dos Santos, GH Siqueira
Water Supply 19 (7), 2028-2035, 2019
Seismic fragility assessment for a RC building in seismically stable Brazil: A sensitivity analysis
RB Andrade, EMV Pereira, GHF Cavalcante, LCM Vieira Jr, GH Siqueira
Journal of Building Engineering 60, 105184, 2022
Seismic reliability assessment of a non-seismic reinforced concrete framed structure designed according to ABNT NBR 6118: 2014
EMV Pereira, GHF Cavalcante, ID Rodrigues, LCM Vieira, GH Siqueira
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 15 (1), e15110, 2021
Seismic performance assessment of a retrofitted bridge with natural rubber isolators in cold weather environments using fragility surfaces
PAC Bandini, GH Siqueira, JE Padgett, P Paultre
Journal of Bridge Engineering 27 (6), 04022040, 2022
Parametrical analysis of partially encased composite columns with fiber reinforced concrete subjected to uniaxial and biaxial non-constant bending moments
APM Marinho, PA Krahl, SJ de Castro Almeida, MF Pereira, GH Siqueira
Structures 34, 1872-1889, 2021
Seismic risk evaluation of non-ductile low-rise RC buildings in Brazil: Time-based and intensity-based assessments considering different performance metrics
EMV Pereira, RB Andrade, FF Leitão, CL Carobeno, GH Siqueira
Journal of Building Engineering 88, 109147, 2024
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Articles 1–20