Bogdan K. Ostafiychuk
Bogdan K. Ostafiychuk
Laboratory for Physics of Magnetic Films, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, N.A.S.U.
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ZnO nanoparticles produced by reactive laser ablation
VV Gafiychuk, BK Ostafiychuk, DI Popovych, ID Popovych, AS Serednytski
Applied Surface Science 257 (20), 8396-8401, 2011
Thermochemically activated carbon as an electrode material for supercapacitors
BK Ostafiychuk, IM Budzulyak, BI Rachiy, VM Vashchynsky, VI Mandzyuk, ...
Nanoscale Research Letters 10, 1-8, 2015
SAXS investigation of nanoporous structure of thermal-modified carbon materials
BK Ostafiychuk, VI Mandzyuk, YO Kulyk, NI Nagirna
Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 1-6, 2014
Composition, microstructure, and electrical properties control of the powders synthesized by sol–gel auto-combustion method using citric acid as the fuel
BK Ostafiychuk, LS Kaykan, JS Kaykan, BY Deputat, OV Shevchuk
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 1-9, 2017
The electrical conductivity and photocatalytic activity of ultrafine iron hydroxide/oxide systems
AB Hrubiak, VO Kotsyubynsky, VV Moklyak, BK Ostafiychuk, PI Kolkovsky, ...
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 670 (1), 97-111, 2018
Effect of orthophosphoric acid on morphology of nanoporous carbon materials
BK Ostafiychuk, RP Lisovskiy, AHZ Al-Saedi, BI Rachiy, VO Kotsyubynsky, ...
Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics, 03036-1-03036-6, 2019
Implantation of single crystalline iron garnet thin films with He+, B+, and Si+ ions
BK Ostafiychuk, VD Fedoriv, IP Yaremiy, OZ Garpul, VV Kurovets, ...
physica status solidi (a) 208 (9), 2108-2114, 2011
Sol-Gel Synthese und Eigenschaften der weichmagnetischen Nanoferrite und Verbundwerkstoffen
A Kopaev, V Bushkova, B Ostafiychuk
Physik und Technologie der Nanoferrite mit dem Bariumtitanat (Lap Lambert …, 0
Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of Mesoporous Maghemite γ-Fe2O3
V Kotsyubynsky, B Ostafiychuk, V Moklyak, A Hrubiak
Solid State Phenomena 230, 120-126, 2015
Synthesis of investigation of properties and synthesis processes of nanopowder ZnO
BK Ostafiychuk, VM Zhurovetski, BK Kotlyarchuk, MI Moysa, DI Popovych, ...
Phys Chem Solid State 9 (4), 728-731, 2008
Кристаллическая и магнитная структура имплантированных слоев монокристаллических пленок железо-иттриевого граната
БК Остафийчук, ВА Олейник, ВМ Пылыпив, БТ Семен, ЛМ Смеркло, ...
Препринт ИМФ 1, 1991
Laves phases polymorphism in zirconium-chromium alloy system and its representation in x-ray emission spectra
VV Nemoshkalenko, AP Nesenyuk, VP Krivitskij, VV Pet'kov, LI Nikolaev, ...
Metallofizika;(USSR) 52, 1974
The effect of chemical treatment on properties of activated carbon materials
BК Ostafiychuk, RBI Budzulyak ІМ, RI Merena, OD Magometa
Phys Chem Solid State 9 (3), 609-612, 2008
Specific energy characteristics of nanoporous carbon activated by orthophosphoric acid
BI Rachiy, BK Ostafiychuk, IM Budzulyak, NY Ivanichok
Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics 7 (4), 4077-1, 2015
Peculiarities of nickel‐aluminium ferrites nanopowder structure
AV Kopayev, BK Ostafiychuk, IY Vylka, DL Zadnipryannyy
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Entwicklung, Fertigung, Prüfung …, 2009
О возможном механизме аморфизации поверхности феррит-гранатовых пленок вследствие ионной имплантации
БК Остафийчук, ВМ Ткачук, ОН Ворончак, БИ Яворский
Металлофизика и новейшие технологии 16 (8), 51-54, 1994
Nanostructured Iron-Substituted Lithium-Manganese Spinel as an Electrode Material for Hybrid Electrochemical Capacitor
R Lisovsky, B Ostafiychuk, I Budzulyak, V Kotsyubynsky, A Boychuk, ...
Acta Physica Polonica A 133 (4), 876-878, 2018
Influence of plant biomass activation conditions on the structure and electrochemical properties of nanoporous carbon material
BK Ostafiychuk, NY Ivanichok, SVS Sklepova, OM Ivanichok, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 62, 5712-5716, 2022
Modification of the crystal structure of gadolinium gallium garnet by helium ion irradiation
BK Ostafiychuk, IP Yaremiy, SI Yaremiy, VD Fedoriv, UO Tomyn, ...
Crystallography Reports 58, 1017-1022, 2013
Сонячні елементи на основі сенсибілізованих барвниками напівпровідників (огляд)
БК Остафійчук, ІФ Миронюк, ВО Коцюбинський, ВД Глуханюк, ...
Фізика і хімія твердого тіла 9 (1), 11-18, 2008
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Articles 1–20