Андрій Гнатов, Andrii Hnatov, Andrey Gnatov, Андрей Гнатов
Андрій Гнатов, Andrii Hnatov, Andrey Gnatov, Андрей Гнатов
Харківський національний автомобільно-дорожній університет, Kharkiv national automobile and highway
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене khadi.kharkov.ua - Главная страница
Импульсные магнитные поля для прогрессивных технологий. Магнитно-импульсные технологии бесконтактной рихтовки кузовных элементов автомобиля
ЮВ Батыгин, АВ Гнатов, ЕА Чаплыгин
Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012
Импульсные магнитные поля для прогрессивных технологий. Том 3. Теория и эксперимент притяжения тонкостенных металлов импульсными магнитными полями: монографія
АН Туренко, ЮВ Батыгин, АВ Гнатов
Харків: ХНАДУ 240, 2009
Pulsed electromagnetic attraction of sheet metals–fundamentals and perspective applications
YV Batygin, SF Golovashchenko, AV Gnatov
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213 (3), 444-452, 2013
Pulsed electromagnetic attraction of nonmagnetic sheet metals
YV Batygin, SF Golovashchenko, AV Gnatov
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2), 390-401, 2014
Гібридні автомобілі
ОВ Бажинов, ОП Смирнов, СА Сєріков, АВ Гнатов, АВ Колєсніков
Харків: ХНАДУ, 2008
Energy saving technologies for urban bus transport
A Hnatov, S Arhun
International journal of automotive and mechanical engineering 14 (4), 4649-4664, 2017
Researching the model of electric propulsion system for bus using Matlab Simulink
A Hnatov, S Arhun, K Tarasov, H Hnatova, V Mygal, A Patlins
2019 IEEE 60th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical …, 2019
Joint innovative double degree master program «Energy-saving technologies in transport»
A Gnatov, S Argun, O Ulyanets
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
Smart road as a complex system of electric power generation
A Gnatov, S Argun, N Rudenko
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
New method of car body panel external straightening. Tools of method
SA A. Gnatov
International Journal of Vehicular Technology, 1-7, 2015
Development of an unified energy-efficient system for urban transport
A Hnatov, A Patlins, S Arhun, N Kunicina, H Hnatova, O Ulianets, ...
2020 6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon), 248-253, 2020
A device for converting kinetic energy of press into electric power as a means of energy saving
S Arhun, A Hnatov, O Dziubenko, S Ponikarovska
Journal of the korean society for precision engineering 36 (1), 105-110, 2019
Design and research of constructive features of paving slabs for power generation by pedestrians
A Patlins, A Hnatov, S Arhun, O Dzyubenko
Transportation Research Procedia 40, 434-441, 2019
Choice of electric engines connection circuits in electric machine unit of electric power generation device
A Hnatov, S Arhun, O Dziubenko, S Ponikarovska
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 12 (4), 85, 2018
Substantiating the criteria for assessing the quality of asynchronous traction electric motors in electric vehicles and hybrid cars
V Migal, S Arhun, A Hnatov, V Dvadnenko, S Ponikarovska
Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering 36 (10), 989-999, 2019
Development of an energy generating platform for converting kinetic energy into electrical energy using the kinematic synthesis of a three-stage multiplier
A Patlins, A Hnatov, SC Arhun, D Bogdan, O Dzyubenko
Transport Means-Proceedings of the International Conference, 403-408, 2019
Safety of pedestrian crossings and additional lighting using green energy
S Patlins, A., Hnatov, A., Arhun
Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference, 2018
Притяжение тонкостенных металлических листов магнитным полем одновиткового индуктора
ЮВ Батыгин, АВ Гнатов, СА Щиголева
Электричество, 55-62, 2011
Determination of the best load parameters for productive operation of PV panels of series FS-100M and FS-110P for sustainable energy efficient road pavement
A Paulus, S Arhun, A Hnatov, O Dziubenko, S Ponikarovska
2018 IEEE 59th International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical …, 2018
Ultracapacitors electrobus for urban transport
A Hnatov, S Arhun, O Ulyanets, S Ponikarovska
2018 IEEE 38th international conference on electronics and nanotechnology …, 2018
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