Сергій Іванович Оковитий /Sergiy Okovytyy
Сергій Іванович Оковитий /Sergiy Okovytyy
ДНУ ім. О.Гончара, хімічний факультет, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
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The Mechanism of Unimolecular Decomposition of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12-Hexanitro-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12-hexaazaisowurtzitane. A Computational DFT Study
S Okovytyy, Y Kholod, M Qasim, H Fredrickson, J Leszczynski
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109 (12), 2964-2970, 2005
Catalytic enantioselective synthesis of indanes by a cation-directed 5-endo-trig cyclization
CP Johnston, A Kothari, T Sergeieva, SI Okovytyy, KE Jackson, RS Paton, ...
Nature chemistry 7 (2), 171-177, 2015
An analysis of stable forms of CL-20: A DFT study of conformational transitions, infrared and Raman spectra
Y Kholod, S Okovytyy, G Kuramshina, M Qasim, L Gorb, J Leszczynski
Journal of Molecular Structure 843 (1-3), 14-25, 2007
Comprehensive investigations of kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of TNT (2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluene), DNT (2, 4-dinitrotoluene), and DNAN (2, 4-dinitroanisole)
L Sviatenko, C Kinney, L Gorb, FC Hill, AJ Bednar, S Okovytyy, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 48 (17), 10465-10474, 2014
DFT M06-2X investigation of alkaline hydrolysis of nitroaromatic compounds
FC Hill, LK Sviatenko, L Gorb, SI Okovytyy, GS Blaustein, J Leszczynski
Chemosphere 88 (5), 635-643, 2012
A reinvestigation of the mechanism of epoxidation of alkenes by peroxy acids. A CASSCF and UQCISD study
S Okovytyy, L Gorb, J Leszczynski
Tetrahedron letters 43 (23), 4215-4219, 2002
Alitsiklicheskie epoksidnye soedineniya
LI Kas’yan, MF Seferova, SI Okovityi
Reaktsionnaya sposobnost, 1, 1996
Computational study of the aminolysis of anhydrides: effect of the catalysis to the reaction of succinic anhydride with methylamine in gas phase and nonpolar solution
T Petrova, S Okovytyy, L Gorb, J Leszczynski
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (23), 5224-5235, 2008
Hydrazinolysis of 3-R-[1,2,4]Triazino[2,3-c]quinazolin-2-ones. Synthetic and Theoretical Aspects
TY Sergeieva, OY Voskoboynik, SI Okovytyy, SI Kovalenko, SV Shishkina, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (10), 1895-1905, 2014
Novel physically adapted STO##‐3G basis sets. Efficiency for prediction of second‐order electric and magnetic properties of aromatic hydrocarbons
E Voronkov, V Rossikhin, S Okovytyy, A Shatckih, V Bolshakov, ...
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 112 (12), 2444-2449, 2012
Azabrendanes. II. Chemo‐, regio‐ and stereoselective transformation of 3‐oxatricyclo[,4]octane‐endo‐6‐carbonitrile in reaction with lithium aluminum …
LI Kasyan, SI Okovity, AO Kasyan
Heteroatom Chemistry 8 (2), 185-190, 1997
Prediction of CL-20 chemical degradation pathways, theoretical and experimental evidence for dependence on competing modes of reaction
M Qasim, H Fredrickson, P Honea, J Furey, J Leszczynski, S Okovytyy, ...
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 16 (5), 495-515, 2005
An investigation of the 17O NMR chemical shifts in oxiranes using magnetically corrected basis sets
VV Rossikhin, SI Okovytyy, LI Kasyan, EO Voronkov, LK Umrikhina, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106 (16), 4176-4180, 2002
Reactions of alicyclic epoxy compounds with nitrogen-containing nucleophiles
LI Kas' Yan, SI Okovityi, AO Kas' Yan
Russian journal of organic chemistry 40, 1-34, 2004
Hydrolytic cleavage of the pyrimidine ring in 2-aryl-[1, 2, 4] triazole [1, 5-c] quinazolines: physico-chemical properties and the hypoglycemic activity of the compounds …
SV Kholodnyak, KP Schabelnyk, GA Shernova, TY Sergeieva, VV Ivchuk, ...
News of pharmacy, 9-17, 2015
Azacycloalkanes from epoxides and aziridines
LI Kas’ yan, VA Pal’Chikov, YS Bondarenko
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 47, 1609-1652, 2011
Ligand‐Mediated Regioselective Rhodium‐Catalyzed Benzotriazole–Allene Coupling: Mechanistic Exploration and Quantum Chemical Analysis
T Sergeieva, TA Hamlin, S Okovytyy, B Breit, FM Bickelhaupt
Chemistry–A European Journal 26 (11), 2342-2348, 2020
In silico kinetics of alkaline hydrolysis of 1, 3, 5-trinitro-1, 3, 5-triazinane (RDX): M06-2X investigation
LK Sviatenko, L Gorb, D Leszczynska, SI Okovytyy, MK Shukla, ...
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 19 (3), 388-394, 2017
Azabrendanes IV. Synthesis and characterization of N-(alkyl-and benzylsulfonyl)-exo-2-hydroxy-4-azatricyclo [4.2. 1.03, 7] nonanes
LI Kasyan, IN Tarabara, AO Kasyan, SI Okovytyy, AV Tokar, SV Shishkina, ...
Tetrahedron 63 (8), 1790-1797, 2007
Stereoisomeric N-Alkyl(aralkyl)-5-aminomethylbicyclo[2.2.1]-hept-2-enes: Synthesis, 1H NMR spectra, and reactions with electrophilic reagents
AO Kas' yan, IN Tarabara, LI Kas' yan, SI Okovityi, ET Zlenko
Russian journal of organic chemistry 35 (7), 1018-1031, 1999
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Articles 1–20