Nataliia Kussul (Наталія Куссуль)
Nataliia Kussul (Наталія Куссуль)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в umd.edu
Deep learning classification of land cover and crop types using remote sensing data
N Kussul, M Lavreniuk, S Skakun, A Shelestov
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (5), 778-782, 2017
Exploring Google Earth Engine platform for big data processing: Classification of multi-temporal satellite imagery for crop mapping
A Shelestov, M Lavreniuk, N Kussul, A Novikov, S Skakun
frontiers in Earth Science 5, 232994, 2017
Near real-time agriculture monitoring at national scale at parcel resolution: Performance assessment of the Sen2-Agri automated system in various cropping systems around the world
P Defourny, S Bontemps, N Bellemans, C Cara, G Dedieu, E Guzzonato, ...
Remote sensing of environment 221, 551-568, 2019
Winter wheat yield forecasting in Ukraine based on Earth observation, meteorological data and biophysical models
F Kogan, N Kussul, T Adamenko, S Skakun, O Kravchenko, O Kryvobok, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 23 …, 2013
Early season large-area winter crop mapping using MODIS NDVI data, growing degree days information and a Gaussian mixture model
S Skakun, B Franch, E Vermote, JC Roger, I Becker-Reshef, C Justice, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 195, 244-258, 2017
Efficiency assessment of multitemporal C-band Radarsat-2 intensity and Landsat-8 surface reflectance satellite imagery for crop classification in Ukraine
S Skakun, N Kussul, AY Shelestov, M Lavreniuk, O Kussul
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
Parcel-based crop classification in Ukraine using Landsat-8 data and Sentinel-1A data
N Kussul, G Lemoine, FJ Gallego, SV Skakun, M Lavreniuk, AY Shelestov
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2016
Flood hazard and flood risk assessment using a time series of satellite images: A case study in Namibia
S Skakun, N Kussul, A Shelestov, O Kussul
Risk Analysis 34 (8), 1521-1537, 2014
Efficiency assessment of using satellite data for crop area estimation in Ukraine
FJ Gallego, N Kussul, S Skakun, O Kravchenko, A Shelestov, O Kussul
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 29, 22-30, 2014
Spatial distribution of arable and abandoned land across former Soviet Union countries
M Lesiv, D Schepaschenko, E Moltchanova, R Bun, M Dürauer, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-12, 2018
The use of satellite data for agriculture drought risk quantification in Ukraine
S Skakun, N Kussul, A Shelestov, O Kussul
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 7 (3), 901-917, 2016
Regional scale crop mapping using multi-temporal satellite imagery
N Kussul, S Skakun, A Shelestov, M Lavreniuk, B Yailymov, O Kussul
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
Towards a set of agrosystem-specific cropland mapping methods to address the global cropland diversity
F Waldner, D De Abelleyra, SR Verón, M Zhang, B Wu, D Plotnikov, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (14), 3196-3231, 2016
Flood Monitoring from SAR Data
N Kussul, A Shelestov, S Skakun
Use of Satellite and In-Situ Data to Improve Sustainability. NATO Science …, 2011
Crop inventory at regional scale in Ukraine: developing in season and end of season crop maps with multi-temporal optical and SAR satellite imagery
N Kussul, L Mykola, A Shelestov, S Skakun
European Journal of Remote Sensing 51 (1), 627-636, 2018
Comparison of biophysical and satellite predictors for wheat yield forecasting in Ukraine
A Kolotii, N Kussul, A Shelestov, S Skakun, B Yailymov, R Basarab, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
Grid system for flood extent extraction from satellite images
N Kussul, A Shelestov, S Skakun
Earth Science Informatics 1, 105-117, 2008
A workflow for Sustainable Development Goals indicators assessment based on high-resolution satellite data
N Kussul, M Lavreniuk, A Kolotii, S Skakun, O Rakoid, L Shumilo
International Journal of Digital Earth, 2020
A rule-based approach for crop identification using multi-temporal and multi-sensor phenological metrics
G Ghazaryan, O Dubovyk, F Löw, M Lavreniuk, A Kolotii, J Schellberg, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 51 (1), 511-524, 2018
Cloud approach to automated crop classification using Sentinel-1 imagery
A Shelestov, M Lavreniuk, V Vasiliev, L Shumilo, A Kolotii, B Yailymov, ...
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 6 (3), 572-582, 2019
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