Mykola Karpinskyy; Mikolaj Karpinski; Mikołaj Karpiński; Микола Карпінський; Karpinski M.; Karpiński
Mykola Karpinskyy; Mikolaj Karpinski; Mikołaj Karpiński; Микола Карпінський; Karpinski M.; Karpiński
Тернопільський національний технічний університет імені Івана Пулюя; Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tntu.edu.ua
Advanced method of factorization of multi-bit numbers based on Fermat's theorem in the system of residual classes
M Karpinski, S Ivasiev, I Yakymenko, M Kasianchuk, T Gancarczyk
2016 16th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS …, 2016
The technology of the video stream intensity controlling based on the bit-planes recombination
VV Barannik, MP Karpinski, VV Tverdokhleb, DV Barannik, VV Himenko, ...
2018 IEEE 4th International Symposium on Wireless Systems within the …, 2018
Prediction machine learning models on propensity convicts to criminal recidivism
O Kovalchuk, M Karpinski, S Banakh, M Kasianchuk, R Shevchuk, ...
Information 14 (3), 161, 2023
Autoencoder neural networks for outlier correction in ECG-based biometric identification
M Karpinski, V Khoma, V Dudvkevych, Y Khoma, D Sabodashko
2018 IEEE 4th international symposium on wireless systems within the …, 2018
The etalon models of linguistic variables for sniffing-attack detection
M Karpiński, A Korchenko, P Vikulov, R Kochan, A Balyk, R Kozak
2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017
Simulation of artificial neural networks for assessing the ecological state of surface water
M Karpinski, V Pohrebennyk, N Bernatska, J Ganczarczyk, O Shevchenko
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 18 (2.1), 693-700, 2018
Remote Air Pollution Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things.
A Palamar, MP Karpinski, M Palamar, H Osukhivska, M Mytnyk
ITTAP, 194-204, 2022
Effective algorithms for finding the remainder of multi-digit numbers
S Ivasiev, M Kasianchuk, I Yakymenko, R Shevchuk, M Karpinski, ...
2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2019
Using graphic network simulator 3 for DDoS attacks simulation
A Balyk, M Karpinski, A Naglik, G Shangytbayeva, I Romanets
International Journal of Computing 16 (4), 219-225, 2017
Decision-making supporting models concerning the internal security of the state
O Kovalchuk, M Kasianchuk, M Karpinski, R Shevchuk
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 301-307-301-307, 2023
Bezprzewodowa transmisja informacji
IP Kurytnik, M Karpiński
Wydawnictwo Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, 2008
Modern algorithms and methods of the person biometric identification
VA Andrijchuk, IP Kuritnyk, MM Kasyanchuk, MP Karpinski
2005 IEEE Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems …, 2005
Blockchain technologies: Probability of double-spend attack on a proof-of-stake consensus
M Karpinski, L Kovalchuk, R Kochan, R Oliynykov, M Rodinko, L Wieclaw
Sensors 21 (19), 6408, 2021
Development of additive Fibonacci generators with improved characteristics for cybersecurity needs
V Maksymovych, M Shabatura, O Harasymchuk, M Karpinski, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (3), 1519, 2022
A method for decimal number recovery from its residues based on the addition of the product modules
M Karpinski, S Rajba, S Zawislak, K Warwas, M Kasianchuk, S Ivasiev, ...
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2019
Characteristic Function of Conditional Linear Random Process.
M Fryz, L Scherbak, MP Karpinski, B Mlynko
ITTAP, 129-135, 2021
Нейросетевые модели, методы и средства оценки параметров безопасности интернет-ориентированных информационных систем,[Монография]
А Корченко, И Терейковский, Н Карпинский, С Тынымбаев
К.: ТОВ «Наш Формат, 2016
Water bodies pollution of the mining and chemical enterprise
V Pohrebennyk, M Karpinski, E Dzhumelia, A Klos-Witkowska, P Falat
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 18 (5.2 …, 2018
Machine learning methods in ECG classification
I Mykoliuk, D Jancarczyk, M Karpinski, V Kifer
Ceske Budejovice, 2018
Ensuring data integrity in databases with the universal basis of relations
V Yesin, M Karpinski, M Yesina, V Vilihura, K Warwas
Applied Sciences 11 (18), 8781, 2021
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