Yuri Chornoivan
Yuri Chornoivan
S.P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics NASU, KNUCA
Підтверджена електронна адреса в inmech.kiev.ua
A combined approach of the Laplace transform and Pade approximation solving viscoelasticity problems
MF Selivanov, YA Chernoivan
International journal of solids and structures 44 (1), 66-76, 2007
A semi-analytical solution method for problems of cohesive fracture and some of its applications
MF Selivanov, YO Chornoivan
International Journal of Fracture 212, 113-121, 2018
Determining of three collinear cracks opening displacement using the process zone model
AA Kaminsky, MF Selivanov, YO Chornoivan
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (19), 2929-2942, 2013
Determination of crack opening displacement and critical load parameter within a cohesive zone model
MF Selivanov, YO Chornoivan, OP Kononchuk
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 31, 569-586, 2019
Initial fracture of a viscoelastic isotropic plate with two collinear cracks of equal length
AA Kaminsky, MF Selivanov, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 50, 310-320, 2014
Subcritical growth of a mode III crack in a viscoelastic composite body
AA Kaminsky, MF Selivanov, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 49 (3), 293-303, 2013
Closing of wedged crack in orthotropic viscoelastic composite
AA Kaminsky, YA Chernoivan
International journal of fracture 130, 635-649, 2004
Computational optimization of characteristics for composites of viscoelastic components
MF Selivanov, YO Chornoivan
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 74, 91-100, 2012
On a crack in viscoelastic isotropic media opened by a rigid growing wedge
AA Kaminsky, YA Chernoivan
International journal of fracture 117, 15-19, 2002
An analytical method of modeling the process zone near the tip of an interface crack due to its kinking from the interface of quasi-elastic materials
A Kaminsky, M Dudyk, Y Reshitnyk, Y Chornoivan
International Journal of Solids and Structures 267, 112117, 2023
Comparison of the crack opening displacement determination algorithms for a cohesive crack
MF Selivanov, YO Chornoivan
Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr, 29-36, 2017
Wedging of a viscoelastoplastic orthotropic composite
AA Kaminskii, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 41, 352-357, 2005
Wedging an orthotropic body
YA Chernoivan
International applied mechanics 37 (11), 1475-1479, 2001
Kinetics of mode I crack growth in a viscoelastic polymeric material with nanoinclusions
AA Kaminsky, MF Selivanov, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 54, 34-40, 2018
Determining displacements of contacting crack faces in orthotropic plate
MF Selivanov, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 53, 407-418, 2017
Model of growth and coalescence of two collinear cracks in a viscoelastic body
AО Kamins’ kyi, MF Selivanov, YO Chornoivan
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 190, 697-709, 2013
Splitting a viscoelastic orthotropic body with a rigid wedge of thickness increasing with time
AA Kaminskii, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 40, 527-531, 2004
Closing of the cleavage crack in isotropic viscoelastic body
AA Kaminsky, YA Chernoivan
International journal of fracture 113, 9-12, 2002
The stress state of a viscoelastic orthotropic half-plane loaded with a concentrated force
AA Kaminskii, YA Chernoivan
International applied mechanics 36 (2), 261-267, 2000
Determination of safe static loads for polymeric composites weakened by cracks
AA Kaminsky, YA Chernoivan
International Applied Mechanics 54, 384-392, 2018
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