Mykyta Taranov / Микита Таранов
Mykyta Taranov / Микита Таранов
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University / Чорноморський національний університет ім. Петра Могили
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Cited by
Artificial neural networks for recognition of brain tumors on MRI images
Y Kondratenko, I Sidenko, G Kondratenko, V Petrovych, M Taranov, ...
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in …, 2020
Fuzzy and evolutionary algorithms for transport logistics under uncertainty
Y Kondratenko, G Kondratenko, I Sidenko, M Taranov
International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 1456-1463, 2020
Advanced approaches to reduce number of actors in a magnetically-operated wheel-mover of a mobile robot
M Taranov, J Rudolph, C Wolf, Y Kondratenko, O Gerasin
2017 XIIIth International Conference on Perspective Technologies and Methods …, 2017
Remote IoT-based control system of the mobile caterpillar robot
OS Gerasin, AM Topalov, MO Taranov, OV Kozlov, YP Kondratenko
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 129-136, 2020
Internet of Things for Industry and Human Application
A Drozd, O Illiashenko, V Kharchenko, M Kolisnyk, Y Kondratenko, ...
Volumes 1–3. Volume 2. Modelling and Development, 2019
Models of robot’s wheel-mover behavior on ferromagnetic surfaces
MO Taranov, Y Kondratenko
Int. J. Comput 17, 8-14, 2018
Simulation of robot's wheel-mover on ferromagnetic surfaces
M Taranov, C Wolf, J Rudolph, YP Kondratenko
2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2017
Intelligent information system for investment in uncertainty
Y Kondratenko, G Kondratenko, I Sidenko, M Taranov
2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2019
Development and Implementation of Internet of Things based Systems
YP Kondratenko, IS Skarga-Bandurova, GV Kondratenko, IV Sidenko, ...
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Articles 1–9