Oleksii Chornyi (Олексій Чорний, Алексей Черный)
Oleksii Chornyi (Олексій Чорний, Алексей Черный)
Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (Кременчуцький національний університет імені
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kdu.edu.ua
The autonomous sources of energy supply for the liquidation of technogenic accidents
M Zagirnyak, O Chornyi, I Zachepa, V Chenchevoi
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 95 (5), 47-50, 2019
Innovative technologies in laboratory workshop for students of technical specialties
M Zagirnyak, S Serhiienko, O Chornyi
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
A model of the assessment of an induction motor condition and operation life, based on the measurement of the external magnetic field
M Zagirnyak, O Bisikalo, O Chorna, O Chornyi
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
A virtual complex with the parametric adjustment to electromechanical system parameters
O Chornyi, S Serhiienko
Technical Electrodynamics 1 (2019), 38-41, 2019
Synthesis of a fractional-order PIλDμ-controller for a closed system of switched reluctance motor control
V Tytiuk, O Chornyi, M Baranovskaya, S Serhiienko, I Zachepa, L Tsvirkun, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 35-42, 2019
Experimental research of electromechanical and biological systems compatibility
M Zagirnyak, O Chornyi, V Nykyforov, O Sakun, K Panchenko
Przegląd elektrotechniczny 1 (1), 130-133, 2016
Remote control of electromechanical systems based on computer simulators
P Chystiakov, O Chornyi, B Zhautikov, G Sivyakova
2017 International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems (MEES …, 2017
The analysis of the process of the laboratory practicum fulfillment and the assessment of its efficiency on the basis of the distance function
O Chornyi, S Serhiienko, A Yudyna, V Sydorenko
2017 international conference on modern electrical and energy systems (mees …, 2017
The formed autonomous source for power supply of single-phase consumers on the basis of the three-phase asynchronous generator
V Chenchevoi, I Zachepa, O Chornyi, N Zachepa, V Ogar, D Shokarov
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Development of Theory and Practice of the Local Autonomous Power Supply Sources Creation
I Zachepa, O Chornyi, L Mazurenko, S Buryakovskiy, N Zachepa, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems …, 2019
Preparation and preliminary analysis of data on energy consumption by municipal buildings
A Perekrest, O Chornyi, O Mur, A Nikolenko, V Kuznetsov, Y Kuznetsova
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 32-42, 2018
Identification of the active resistances of the stator of an induction motor with stator windings dissymmetry
V Tytiuk, O Pozigun, O Chornyi, A Berdai
2017 International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems (MEES …, 2017
Мониторинг параметров электрических двигателей электромеханических систем: Монография
АП Черный, ДИ Родькин, АП Калинов, ОС Воробейчик
Кременчуг: ЧП Щербатых АВ 246, 2008
Identification of changes in the parameters of induction motors during monitoring by measuring the induction of a magnetic field on the stator surface
O Chorna, O Chornyi, V Tytiuk
2019 IEEE International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems …, 2019
Local autonomous sources of energy supply for emergencies
OP Chornyi, IV Zachepa, LI Mazurenko, SG Buryakovskiy, VV Chenchevoi, ...
Technical Electrodynamics 5, 45-48, 2020
SRM identification with fractional order transfer functions
V Tytiuk, O Ilchenko, O Chornyi, I Zachepa, S Serhiienko, A Berdai
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Technical and Economic Assessment of Use Local Autonomous Sources of Energy Supply
I Zachepa, O Chornyi, A Perekrest, N Zachepa, O Zbyrannyk, ...
2020 IEEE Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and Practice (PAEP), 1-6, 2020
Обоснование критериев качества преобразования энергии в электромеханических системах
ДИ Родькин, АП Черный, ВА Мартыненко
Проблемы создания новых машин и технологий. Сб. научных трудов КГПУ, 81-85, 2002
Виртуальный комплекс для учебного процесса и научных исследований
ВА Евстифеев, АП Черный, ТВ Величко
Проблемы автоматизированного электропривода. Теория и практика: Вестн. нац …, 2005
Пусковые системы нерегулируемых электроприводов
АП Черный, АИ Гладырь, ЮГ Осадчук, ИР Курбанов, АН Вошун
Кременчуг: ЧП Щербатых А.В., 2006
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