Dzintra Atstaja
Dzintra Atstaja
Підтверджена електронна адреса в rsu.lv - Домашня сторінка
Opportunities to increase financial well-being by investing in environmental, social and governance with respect to improving financial literacy under covid-19: The case of Latvia
I Mavlutova, A Fomins, A Spilbergs, D Atstaja, J Brizga
Sustainability 14 (1), 339, 2021
The typology of 60R circular economy principles and strategic orientation of their application in business
I Uvarova, D Atstaja, T Volkova, J Grasis, I Ozolina-Ozola
Journal of Cleaner Production 409, 137189, 2023
Development of the green entrepreneurial mindset through modern entrepreneurship education
I Uvarova, I Mavlutova, D Atstaja
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 628 (1), 012034, 2021
Sharing model in circular economy towards rational use in sustainable production
D Atstaja, V Koval, J Grasis, I Kalina, H Kryshtal, I Mikhno
Energies 15 (3), 939, 2022
Sustainability challenges and drivers of cross-border greenway tourism in rural areas
T Tambovceva, D Atstaja, M Tereshina, I Uvarova, A Livina
Sustainability 12 (15), 5927, 2020
Challenges of the introduction of circular business models within rural SMEs of EU
I Uvarova, D Atstaja, V Korpa
International Journal of Economic Sciences, 2020
Sustainable value chain of industrial biocomposite consumption: influence of COVID-19 and consumer behavior
D Rutitis, A Smoca, I Uvarova, J Brizga, D Atstaja, I Mavlutova
Energies 15 (2), 466, 2022
Raising environmental awareness through education
D Dimante, T Tambovceva, D Atstaja
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long …, 2016
Achievement of sustainable development goals through the implementation of circular economy and developing regional cooperation
N Cudečka-Puriņa, D Atstāja, V Koval, M Purviņš, P Nesenenko, O Tkach
Energies 15 (11), 4072, 2022
Does car sharing contribute to urban sustainability from user-motivation perspectives?
I Mavlutova, J Kuzmina, I Uvarova, D Atstaja, K Lesinskis, E Mikelsone, ...
Sustainability 13 (19), 10588, 2021
Exploring sustainable urban transformation concepts for economic development
E Mikelsone, D Atstaja, V Koval, I Uvarova, I Mavlutova, J Kuzmina
Studies of Applied Economics 39 (5), 2021
Urban transportation concept and sustainable urban mobility in smart cities: a review
I Mavlutova, D Atstaja, J Grasis, J Kuzmina, I Uvarova, D Roga
Energies 16 (8), 3585, 2023
Green financial instruments of cleaner production technologies
V Koval, O Laktionova, D Atstāja, J Grasis, I Lomachynska, R Shchur
Sustainability 14 (17), 10536, 2022
Challenges of textile industry in the framework of Circular Economy: case from Latvia
D Atstja, N Cudečka-Puriņa, R Vesere, L Abele, S Spivakovskyy
International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and …, 2021
Alignment of circular economy business models for framing national sustainable economic development
D Atstaja, N Cudecka-Purina, R Hrinchenko, V Koval, J Grasis, R Vesere
Acta Innovations 42, 5-14, 2022
Consumer behaviour change through education for sustainable development: Case of Latvia
T Tambovceva, D Dimante, D Atstāja
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 21 (5-6 …, 2018
Sharing model in circular economy towards rational use in sustainable production Energies 15 939
D Atstaja, V Koval, J Grasis, I Kalina, H Kryshtal, I Mikhno
Transition to the circular economy and new circular business models–an in-depth study of the whey recycling
I Uvarova, D Atstaja, U Grinbergs, J Petersons, A Gegere-Zetterstroma, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 578 (1), 012019, 2020
The role of economics in education for sustainable development; the baltic states’ experience
D Atstaja, R Susniene, M Jarvis
Int. J. Econ. Sci 6, 1-29, 2017
Ensuring sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of digital transformations
V Kozlovtseva, M Demianchuk, V Koval, V Hordopolov, D Atstaja
E3S Web of Conferences, 02002, 2021
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