Ярослав Степанович Яцків, Yaroslav S. Yatskiv
Ярослав Степанович Яцків, Yaroslav S. Yatskiv
academician National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Main Astronomical Observatory of NASU
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Cited by
1980 IAU theory of nutation: The final report of the IAU working group on nutation
PK Seidelmann
Celestial mechanics 27 (1), 79-106, 1982
Considerations concerning the non-rigid Earth nutation theory
F Arias, C Bizouard, P Bretagnon, A Brzezinski, B Buffett, N Capitaine, ...
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 72, 245-309, 1998
Photopolarimetry in Remote Sensing: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held in Yalta, Ukraine, 20 September-4 October 2003
G Videen, Y Yatskiv, M Mishchenko
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
The IVS data input to ITRF2014
A Nothnagel, W Alef, J Amagai, PH Andersen, J Anderson, T Andreeva, ...
Potsdam : GFZ Data Services, 2015
Polarimetric detection, characterization and remote sensing
MI Mishchenko, YS Yatskiv, VK Rosenbush, G Videen
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
New satellite project Aerosol-UA: Remote sensing of aerosols in the terrestrial atmosphere
G Milinevsky, Y Yatskiv, O Degtyaryov, I Syniavskyi, M Mishchenko, ...
Acta Astronautica 123, 292-300, 2016
UkrVO astroinformatics software and web-services
IB Vavilova, YS Yatskiv, LK Pakuliak, IL Andronov, VM Andruk, ...
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 12 (S325), 361-366, 2016
Про ефективність видання наукових журналів в Україні
ЯС Яцків, АІ Радченко
Вісник НАН України, 2012
CORONAS-F observations of active phenomena on the Sun
VN Oraevsky, II Sobelman, IA Zitnik, VD Kuznetsov, AI Stepanov, ...
Advances in Space Research 32 (12), 2567-2572, 2003
A twofold mission to the moon: Objectives and payloads
YG Shkuratov, AA Konovalenko, VV Zakharenko, AA Stanislavsky, ...
Acta Astronautica 154, 214-226, 2019
The Cause of the Apparent" Bifurcation" of the Free Nutation Period.
EP Fedorov, YS Yatskiv
Soviet Astronomy, Vol. 8, p. 608 8, 608, 1965
Науково-технологічна сфера України: загальностатистичні дані та спроба передбачення
ЯС Яцків
Наука та наукознавство, 2005
Remote sensing of aerosol in the terrestrial atmosphere from space: new missions
G Milinevsky, Y Yatskiv, O Degtyaryov, I Syniavskyi, Y Ivanov, ...
Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2015
Chandler motion observations
YS Yatskiv
International Astronomical Union Colloquium 178, 381-396, 2000
A compiled catalogue of positions of extragalactic radio sources RSC (GAO UA) 91 C 01.
AN Kur'yanova, YS Yatskiv
Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel 9 (2), 15-25, 1993
Движение полюсов и неравномерность вращения Земли
ЯС Яцкив, НТ Миронов, АА Корсунь, ВК Тарадий
Астрономия. Итоги науки и техники 12, 1976
The founder of the decameter radio astronomy in Ukraine academician of NAS of Ukraine Semen Yakovych Braude is 110 years old: history of creation and development of the …
OO Konovalenko, VV Zakharenko, LM Lytvynenko, OM Ulyanov, ...
Radio physics and radio astronomy 26 (1), 5-73, 2021
Motion of the earth's pole from 1890.0 to 1969.0.
EP Fedorov, AA Korsun, SP Major, NI Panchenko, VK Taradij, YS Yatskiv
Motion of the earth's pole from 1890.0 to 1969.0, 1972
On the comparison of diurnal nutation derived from separate series of latitude and time observations
YS Yatskiv
Symposium-International Astronomical Union 48, 200-205, 1972
The new 2-M RCC telescope in the northern caucasus for modern astronomical research
VK Tarady, YS Yatskiv
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions 13 (1), 19-21, 1997
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Articles 1–20