Валентин Собчук; Valentyn Sobchuk
Валентин Собчук; Valentyn Sobchuk
Інші іменаSobchuk V.; Собчук В.
Doctor of Engineering, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Підтверджена електронна адреса в knu.ua - Домашня сторінка
Synergy of building cybersecurity systems: monograph
S Yevseiev, V Ponomarenko, O Laptiev, O Milov, S Yevseiev, ...
Kharkiv: PC Technology Center, 188, 2021
Algorithm of control of functionally stable manufacturing processes of enterprises
V Sobchuk, V Pichkur, O Barabash, O Laptiev, K Igor, A Zidan
2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information …, 2020
Application of petri networks for support of functional stability of information systems
O Barabash, N Lukova-Chuiko, V Sobchuk, A Musienko
2018 IEEE First International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent …, 2018
Перерозподіл інформаційних потоків у гіперконвергентній системі
N Kuchuk, S Gavrylenko, V Sobchuk, N Lukova-Chuiko
Advanced Information Systems 3 (2), 116-121, 2019
Mathematical model and control design of a functionally stable technological process
VV Pichkur, VV Sobchuk
Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and Their Applications 29 (1 …, 2021
Improvement of variational-gradient method in dynamical systems of automated control for integro-differential models
OA Mashkov, VV Sobchuk, OV Barabash, NB Dakhno, HV Shevchenko, ...
Mathematical Modeling and Computing 6 (2), 344-357, 2019
On periodic solutions of the equation of a nonlinear oscillator with pulse influence
AM Samoilenko, VG Samoilenko, VV Sobchuk
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 51 (6), 926-933, 1999
Unmanned aerial vehicles flight trajectory optimisation on the basis of variational enequality algorithm and projection method
O Barabash, N Dakhno, H Shevchenko, V Sobchuk
2019 IEEE 5th International Conference Actual Problems of Unmanned Aerial …, 2019
Finding of Bounded Solutions to Linear Impulsive Systems
F Asrorov, V Sobchuk, О Kurylko
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (4), 14-20, 2019
A system of indicators and criteria for evaluation of the level of functional stability of information heterogenic networks
O Maksymuk, V Sobchuk, I Salanda, Y Sachuk
Mathematical Modeling and Computing 7 (2), 285-292, 2020
Методика створення єдиного інформаційного простору на виробничому підприємстві з функціонально стійким технологічним процесом
V Sobchuk
Системи управління, навігації та зв’язку. Збірник наукових праць 6 (58), 84-91, 2019
Approximate homogenized synthesis for distributed optimal control problem with superposition type cost functional
OA Kapustian, VV Sobchuk
Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing 6 (2), 233, 2018
Integro-differential models of decision support systems for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles on the basis of modified gradient method
O Barabash, N Dakhno, H Shevchenko, V Sobchuk
2018 IEEE 5th International Conference on Methods and Systems of Navigation …, 2018
Comprehensive methods of evaluation of distance learning system functioning
O Barabash, O Laptiev, V Sobchuk, I Salanda, Y Melnychuk, V Lishchyna
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 13 (3), 62-71, 2021
Fraktal and Differential Properties of the Inversor of Digits of Q s-Representation of Real Number
O Barabash, O Kopiika, I Zamrii, V Sobchuk, A Musienko
Modern Mathematics and Mechanics: Fundamentals, Problems and Challenges, 79-95, 2019
The method of searching for digital means of illegal reception of information in information systems in the working range of Wi-Fi
BOV Laptіev ОA, VV Savchenko, VA Savchenko, VV Sobchuk
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2019
Approximate optimal control for a parabolic system with perturbations in the coefficients on the half-axis
OA Kapustian, OV Kapustyan, A Ryzhov, V Sobchuk
Axioms 11 (4), 175, 2022
Математична модель структури інформаційної мережі на основі нестаціонарної ієрархічної та стаціонарної гіпермережі
ВВ Собчук, ОА Лаптєв, ІП Саланда, ЮВ Сачук
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, 2019
Distribution of Values of Cantor Type Fractal Functions with Specified Restrictions
OV Barabash, AP Musienko, VV Sobchuk, NV Lukova-Chuiko, ...
Contemporary Approaches and Methods in Fundamental Mathematics and Mechanics …, 2021
Functionally sustainable wireless sensor network technologies aspects analysis
AV Sobchuk, VV Sobchuk, OV Barabash, IO Lyashenko
Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences 7 (23 …, 2019
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