Philipp Waibel
Cited by
Cited by
VISP: An ecosystem for elastic data stream processing for the internet of things
C Hochreiner, M Vogler, P Waibel, S Dustdar
2016 IEEE 20th international enterprise distributed object computing …, 2016
Automated process knowledge graph construction from BPMN models
S Bachhofner, E Kiesling, K Revoredo, P Waibel, A Polleres
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 32-47, 2022
Cost-optimized redundant data storage in the cloud
P Waibel, J Matt, C Hochreiner, O Skarlat, R Hans, S Schulte
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 11 (4), 411-426, 2017
Smart process optimization and adaptive execution with semantic services in cloud manufacturing
L Mazzola, P Waibel, P Kaphanke, M Klusch
Information 9 (11), 279, 2018
FCE4BPMN: On-demand QoS-based optimised process model execution in the cloud
L Mazzola, P Kapahnke, P Waibel, C Hochreiner, M Klusch
2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE …, 2017
Causal process mining from relational databases with domain knowledge
P Waibel, L Pfahlsberger, K Revoredo, J Mendling
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.08314, 2022
ViePEP-C: A container-based elastic process platform
P Waibel, C Hochreiner, S Schulte, A Koschmider, J Mendling
IEEE transactions on cloud computing 9 (4), 1657-1674, 2019
Cost-efficient auto-scaling of container-based elastic processes
G Sheganaku, S Schulte, P Waibel, I Weber
Future generation computer systems 138, 296-312, 2023
Cost-and latency-efficient redundant data storage in the cloud
J Matt, P Waibel, S Schulte
2017 IEEE 10th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications …, 2017
Cost-efficient data redundancy in the cloud
P Waibel, C Hochreiner, S Schulte
2016 IEEE 9th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and …, 2016
Teaming. AI: enabling human-AI teaming intelligence in manufacturing
T Hoch, B Heinzl, G Czech, M Khan, P Waibel, S Bachhofner, E Kiesling, ...
Proceedings http://ceur-ws. org ISSN 1613, 0073, 2022
Analysis of business process batching using causal event models
P Waibel, C Novak, S Bala, K Revoredo, J Mendling
International Conference on Process Mining, 17-29, 2020
Digital transformation of global accounting at deutsche bahn group: the case of the TIM BPM suite
F Ludacka, J Duell, P Waibel
Business Process Management Cases Vol. 2: Digital Transformation-Strategy …, 2021
Optimized container-based process execution in the cloud
P Waibel, A Yeshchenko, S Schulte, J Mendling
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2018
Bringing cloud-based rapid elastic manufacturing to reality with crema
S Schulte, M Borkowski, C Hochreiner, M Klusch, A Murguzur, O Skarlat, ...
Workshop on Intelligent Systems Configuration Services for Flexible Dynamic …, 2016
Process simulation for machine reservation in cloud manufacturing
P Waibel, S Videnov, M Borkowski, C Hochreiner, S Schulte, J Mendling
2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2018
Knowledge Graph Modularization for Cyber-Physical Production Systems.
S Bachhofner, E Kiesling, K Kurniawan, E Sallinger, P Waibel
ISWC (Posters/Demos/Industry), 2021
Bridging gaps in cloud manufacturing with 3D printing
C Hochreiner, P Waibel, M Borkowski
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
Architecture-Centric Design of Complex Message-Based Service Systems
C Dorn, P Waibel, S Dustdar
Service-Oriented Computing: 12th International Conference, ICSOC 2014, Paris …, 2014
A Code-efficient Process Scripting Language
M Vidgof, P Waibel, J Mendling, M Schimak, A Seik, P Queteschiner
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 174-188, 2020
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Articles 1–20