Yevheniia Anpilova / Анпілова Євгенія Сергїівна / ЄС Анпілова  / Yevgenia Anpilova / ЕС Анпилова
Yevheniia Anpilova / Анпілова Євгенія Сергїівна / ЄС Анпілова / Yevgenia Anpilova / ЕС Анпилова
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Cited by
Geomodeling and monitoring of pollution of waters and soils by the earth remote sensing
O Trofymchuk, Y Yakovliev, V Klymenko, Y Anpilova
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 19 (1.4), 197-204, 2019
Ecological situation of post-mining regions in Ukraine
O Trofymchuk, Y Yakovliev, Y Anpilova, M Myrontsov, V Okhariev
Systems, decision and control in energy II, 293-306, 2021
Increasing vertical resolution in electrometry of oil and gas wells
M Myrontsov, O Karpenko, O Trofymchuk, V Okhariev, Y Anpilova
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II, 101-117, 2021
Environmental safety of motor transport enterprises within the urban areas
V Lukianova, O Trofymchuk, Y Anpilova
Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (4), 231-236, 2020
GIS and remote sensing as important tools for assessment of environmental pollution
O Korchenko, V Pohrebennyk, D Kreta, V Klymenko, Y Anpilova
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 19 (2.1), 297-304, 2019
A strategic analysis of the prerequisites for the implementation of waste management at the regional level
I Kotsiuba, O Herasymchuk, V Shamrai, V Lukianova, Y Anpilova, ...
Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology 24, 55-65, 2023
Ground deformation mapping of Solotvyno mine area using radar data and GIS
O Trofymchuk, Y Anpilova, Y Yakovliev, I Zinkiv
Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects 2020 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020
The features of eutrophication processes in the water of the Uzh river
I Kotsiuba, V Lukianova, Y Anpilova, T Yelnikova, O Herasymchuk, ...
Ecological engineering & Environmental technology 23, 2022
Iterative solution of the inverse problem of resistivity logging of oil and gas wells: testing and examples
M Myrontsov, O Karpenko, O Trofymchuk, S Dovgyi, Y Anpilova
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy III, 187-201, 2021
Landscape and geological factors of water and ecological conditions technogenesis of donbas at the post-mining stage
Y Anpilova, Y Yakovliev, I Drozdovych
Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects 2020 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020
Environmental hazards of the Donbas hydrosphere at the final stage of the coal mines flooding
Y Anpilova, Y Yakovliev, O Trofymchuk, M Myrontsov, O Karpenko
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy III, 305-316, 2021
Application of discriminant analysis in the interpretation of well-logging data
O Karpenko, M Myrontsov, Y Anpilova
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy III, 267-275, 2022
Transdisciplinary analytical system for support the environmental researches
O Trofymchuk, M Myrontsov, V Okhariev, Y Anpilova, V Trysnyuk
Systems, decision and control in energy II. Studies in systems, decision and …, 2021
A Transdisciplinary Analytical System for Supporting the Environmental Researches
O Trofymchuk, M Myrontsov, V Okhariev, Y Anpilova, V Trysnyuk
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy II, 319-331, 2021
Інформаційні технології для управління екологічною безпекою поверхневих вод
ЄС Анпілова
НАН України, Ін-т телекомунікацій і глобал. інформ. простору. - Київ …, 2013
Evaluation of the impact on the environment at building and reconstruction of motorways using the system analysis method
V Khrutba, Y Anpilova, V Lukianova, I Kotsiuba, L Kriukovska, ...
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 77 (1), 85-95, 2021
The aspects of using GIS in monitoring of environmental components
O Trofymchuk, V Klymenko, Y Anpilova, N Sheviakina, S Zagorodnia
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 20 (2.1), 581-588, 2020
Питання екологічної безпеки поверхневих водних об'єктів
ОС Волошкіна, ЄО Яковлєв, ВМ Удод
Інститут проблем національної безпеки, 2007
Науково-теоретичне обґрунтування накопичення твердих побутових відходів Житомирщини
I Kotsіuba, S Lyko, V Lukianova, Y Anpilova
Екологічна безпека та природокористування 36 (4), 56-65, 2020
The use active sensors of remote sensing to describe structures and landscape changes in Solotvyno
Y Anpilova, O Hordiienko, V Horbulin, O Trofymchuk, Y Yakovliev
Geoinformatics 2021 (1), 1-7, 2021
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Articles 1–20