Nick Duffield
Nick Duffield
Director, Texas A&M Institute of Data Science; Royce E. Wisenbaker Professorship I in ECE
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Cited by
Class-of-service mapping for QoS: a statistical signature-based approach to IP traffic classification
M Roughan, S Sen, O Spatscheck, N Duffield
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 135-148, 2004
Fast accurate computation of large-scale IP traffic matrices from link loads
Y Zhang, M Roughan, N Duffield, A Greenberg
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31 (1), 206-217, 2003
A flexible model for resource management in virtual private networks
NG Duffield, P Goyal, A Greenberg, P Mishra, KK Ramakrishnan, ...
Proceedings of the conference on Applications, technologies, architectures …, 1999
Large deviations and overflow probabilities for the general single-server queue, with applications
NG Duffield, N O'connell
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 118 (2), 363-374, 1995
On the constancy of Internet path properties
Y Zhang, N Duffield
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Internet Measurement, 197-211, 2001
Multicast-based inference of network-internal loss characteristics
R Cáceres, NG Duffield, J Horowitz, DF Towsley
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 45 (7), 2462-2480, 1999
Estimating flow distributions from sampled flow statistics
N Duffield, C Lund, M Thorup
Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2003
Network tomography on general topologies
T Bu, N Duffield, FL Presti, D Towsley
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 30 (1), 21-30, 2002
Trajectory sampling for direct traffic observation
NG Duffield, M Grossglauser
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 9 (3), 280-292, 2001
Multicast-based inference of network-internal delay distributions
FL Presti, NG Duffield, J Horowitz, D Towsley
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 10 (6), 761-775, 2002
Large deviations, the shape of the loss curve, and economies of scale in large multiplexers
DD Botvich, NG Duffield
Queueing Systems 20 (3), 293-320, 1995
Network tomography of binary network performance characteristics
N Duffield
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (12), 5373-5388, 2006
On unbiased sampling for unstructured peer-to-peer networks
D Stutzbach, R Rejaie, N Duffield, S Sen, W Willinger
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 27-40, 2006
Properties and prediction of flow statistics from sampled packet streams
N Duffield, C Lund, M Thorup
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Internet measurment, 159-171, 2002
Inferring link loss using striped unicast probes
NG Duffield, FL Presti, V Paxson, D Towsley
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
Systems, methods, and devices for monitoring networks
CJ Chase, NG Duffield, AG Greenberg, O Spatscheck, JE Van der Merwe, ...
US Patent 8,228,818, 2012
Efficient graphlet counting for large networks
NK Ahmed, J Neville, RA Rossi, N Duffield
2015 IEEE international conference on data mining, 1-10, 2015
Systems and methods for rule-based anomaly detection on IP network flow
N Duffield, P Haffner, B Krishnamurthy, HA Ringberg
US Patent 9,258,217, 2016
Multicast topology inference from measured end-to-end loss
NG Duffield, J Horowitz, FL Presti, D Towsley
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48 (1), 26-45, 2002
Trajectory sampling for direct traffic observation
NG Duffield, M Grossglauser
Proceedings of the conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures …, 2000
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Articles 1–20