Алина Хрипунова (AL Khrypunova)
Алина Хрипунова (AL Khrypunova)
НТУ "ХПИ", факультет міжнародної освіти, кафедра природничих наук
Підтверджена електронна адреса в kpi.kharkov.ua - Домашня сторінка
Metal oxide heterojunction (NiO/ZnO) prepared by low temperature solution growth for UV-photodetector and semi-transparent solar cell
NP Klochko, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, DO Zhadan, KS Klepikova, ...
Solar Energy 164, 149-159, 2018
Semitransparent p-CuI and n-ZnO thin films prepared by low temperature solution growth for thermoelectric conversion of near-infrared solar light
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, DO Zhadan, ...
Solar Energy 171, 704-715, 2018
Use of biomass for a development of nanocellulose-based biodegradable flexible thin film thermoelectric material
NP Klochko, VA Barbash, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, ...
Solar Energy 201, 21-27, 2020
Solution-processed flexible broadband ZnO photodetector modified by Ag nanoparticles
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, IV Khrypunova, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, ...
Solar Energy 232, 1-11, 2022
Development of semi-transparent ZnO/FTO solar thermoelectric nanogenerator for energy efficient glazing
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, VV Starikov, ...
Solar Energy 184, 230-239, 2019
Semi-transparent copper iodide thin films on flexible substrates as p-type thermolegs for a wearable thermoelectric generator
NP Klochko, DO Zhadan, KS Klepikova, SI Petrushenko, VR Kopach, ...
Thin Solid Films 683, 34-41, 2019
Wet chemical synthesis of nanostructured semiconductor layers for thin-film solar thermoelectric generator
NP Klochko, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, GS Khrypunov, VE Korsun, ...
Solar Energy 157, 657-666, 2017
Amplitude-time characteristics of switching in thin films of cadmium telluride
МG Khrypunov, RV Zaitsev, DA Kudii, AL Khrypunova
Sumy State University, 2018
Structure, optical, electrical and thermoelectric properties of solution-processed Li-doped NiO films grown by SILAR
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, DO Zhadan, SI Petrushenko, VR Kopach, ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 83, 42-49, 2018
Physical and Technological Foundations of the" Chloride" Treatment of Cadmium Telluride Layers for Thin-film Photoelectric Converters
DA Kudii, МG Khrypunov, RV Zaitsev, AL Khrypunova
Sumy State University, 2018
Формування екологічної компетентності майбутніх інженерів–фахівців цивільного захисту
АЛ Хрипунова
Харків: Харківський національний педагогічний ун-т ім. ГС Сковород, 2009
Biodegradable flexible transparent films with copper iodide and biomass-derived nanocellulose for ultraviolet and high-energy visible light protection
NP Klochko, VA Barbash, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, ...
Solar Energy 220, 852-863, 2021
Flexible thermoelectric module based on zinc oxide thin film grown via SILAR
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, IV Khrypunova, DO Zhadan, SI Petrushenko, ...
Current Applied Physics 21, 121-133, 2021
Efficient biodegradable flexible hydrophobic thermoelectric material based on biomass-derived nanocellulose film and copper iodide thin nanostructured layer
NP Klochko, VA Barbash, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, II Tyukhov, ...
Solar Energy 212, 231-240, 2020
Thermoelectric textile devices with thin films of nanocellulose and copper iodide
NP Klochko, VA Barbash, SI Petrushenko, VR Kopach, KS Klepikova, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 32 (18), 23246-23265, 2021
Thermoelectric textile with fibers coated by copper iodide thin films
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, DO Zhadan, VR Kopach, SM Chernyavskaya, ...
Thin Solid Films 704, 138026, 2020
Effect of high doses of electron beam irradiation on structure and composition of ZnO films prepared by electrochemical and wet chemical depositions on solid and flexible …
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, SI Petrushenko, SV Dukarov, VR Kopach, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 164, 108380, 2019
Solution-produced copper iodide thin films for photosensor and for vertical thermoelectric nanogenerator, which uses a spontaneous temperature gradient
NP Klochko, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, DO Zhadan, VV Starikov, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 17514-17524, 2019
Компоненти та критерії сформованості екологічної компетентності майбутніх інженерів–фахівців цивільного захисту
АЛ Хрипунова
Проблеми інженерно-педагогічної освіти, 420-425, 2009
Highly hydrophobic surfaces with rose petal-effect based on nanocellulose films coated by nanostructured CuI layers
NP Klochko, VA Barbash, KS Klepikova, VR Kopach, OV Yashchenko, ...
Cellulose 28 (14), 9395-9412, 2021
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