Тетяна Клиніна
Тетяна Клиніна
Інші іменаTetiana Klynina
National aviation University, University of Texas at Austin
Підтверджена електронна адреса в npp.nau.edu.ua
Legal mechanism of counteracting information aggression in social networks: From theory to practice
A Peleschyshyn, T Klynina, S Gnatyuk
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019
Youtube Web-Projects: Path from Entertainment Web Content to Online Educational Tools
Z Sverdlyka, T Klynina, S Fedushko, I Bratus
Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications …, 2022
Influence of impulse disturbances on oscillations of nonlinearly elastic bodies
A Andrukhiv, M Sokil, B Sokil, S Fedushko, Y Syerov, V Karovic Jr, ...
Mathematics 9 (8), 819, 2021
Network communication technologies in the activity of children’s libraries of Ukraine
L Khaletska, T Klynina, Y Kondrashevska, A Peleshchyshyn
CEUR-WS. org., 2020
Національна історико-культурна спадщина: новітні засоби збереження та використання
Л Божук, Т Клиніна
Інформація, комунікація, суспільство 2019: матеріали 8-ої Міжнародної …, 2019
Libraries of Ukraine for Children as Sociocultural Centres of Community. 1st International Children’s Libraries Symposium Proceedings (pp. 315–328). Nevşehir/Turkey. Ankara
I Tiurmenko, L Khaletska, T Klynina
Bitcoin: A queuing analytical approach
P Vesely, S Skoda, I Kolomiiets, B Stöberl, T Klynina
CEUR workshop proceedings 2824, 2021
Impact of Social Networks in the Information Activity of the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance: From Theoretical Understanding to Practical Implementation
L Khaletska, T Klynina, S Fedushko, O Yurchenko
Developments in Information & Knowledge Management for Business Applications …, 2022
Mathematical Model for the Optimization of the Airport Self-Service Kiosks System.
G Zhu, I Ivanochko, E Lehtinen, T Klynina
ProfIT AI, 132-140, 2021
Network PR tools
T Klynina
ICS 2020, 15, 2020
Information Activities of the Ukrainian Diaspora in the Czechoslovak Republic (1930-1931)
Z Sverdlyk, T Klynina
Journal of History Culture and Art Research 9 (1), 386-395, 2020
Проблеми та перспективи розвитку електронного урядування у муніципальному управлінні
Л Божук, Т Клиніна
Information, communication, society (Slavske, Ukraine 18–20 may 2017), 143-144, 2017
On the history of the creation and functioning of the US State Department (XVIII-XX centuries.)
TS Klynina
Ukraine's international relations: scientific research and findings, 2017
Організаційна структура англо-американського блоку періоду Другої світової війни
АВ Бредіхин, ТС Клиніна
Наука. Релігія. Суспільство, 23-28, 2011
Influence of Impulse Disturbances on Oscillations of Nonlinearly Elastic Bodies. Mathematics 2021, 9, 819
A Andrukhiv, M Sokil, B Sokil, S Fedushko, Y Syerov, V Karovic Jr, ...
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Place of the United States Secretary of States in the power system and formation of the country external course (XX-at the beginning of XXI century): historical backgraund
T Klynina
Skhid, 29-34, 2020
Business and universities in Ukraine: from network communication to practical implementation
K Tetiana, S Zoriana, R Kravets
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 247-259, 2020
“Female face” of American diplomacy
T Klynina
Skhid, 70-74, 2019
Coordination of marketing activity in online communities
O Peleshchyshyn, T Klynina
Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, 647-660, 2019
Libraries of Ukraine for children as sociocultural centers of community
I Tiurmenko, L Khaletska, T Klynina
National Aviation University, 2019
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