Reznik Nadiia P.
Reznik Nadiia P.
Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, Державний торговельно
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене nubip.edu.ua
Modeling of investment attractiveness of countries using entropy analysis of regional stock markets
H Danylchuk, N Chebanova, N Reznik, Y Vitkovskyi
Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage 5, 227-235, 2019
Mechanism of investment maintenance for the sustainable development of the agraricultural sphere
NP Reznik, YY Demyan, YI Tokar, KG Sandeep, AD Ostapchuk
India, 2019
Ukrainian world exchange market of oilseeds: A research of chlanges for growth
NP Reznik, AD Ostapchuk, SK Gupta, OM Sakovska, RV Levkina
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (6), 3823-3829, 2019
Territorial government reform in Ukraine: Problem aspects of strategic management
YI Danko, VY Medvid, IІ Koblianska, OV Kornietskyy, NP Reznik
Modelling of informational counteraction between objects in economy
S Yablochnikov, M Kuptsov, O Omelchenko, SK Gupta, N Reznik, ...
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 (6), 3797-3802, 2019
Conflict dynamic model of innovative development in the system of ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprises
VA Zamlynskyi, OV Stanislavyk, OM Halytskyi, MV Korzh, NP Reznik
International journal of Scientific & Technology research, 2020
Retrospective analysis of basic risk as a part futures trading in Ukraine
NP Reznik, SV Dolynskyi, NY Voloshchuk
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 9 (1), 3419-3423, 2020
Contemporary challenges for China and Ukraine and perspectives for overcoming these challenges
YI Danko, NP Reznik
Global Trade and Customs Journal 14 (6), 2019
Financial support for the development of joint territorial communities
NP Reznik, VM Popov, VV Podplietnii, SP Popova
Test Engineering and Management 83 (5-6), 8594-8603, 2020
Emotional intelligence—the driver of development of breakthrough competences of the project
B Sergiy, B Denis, R Nadiia
2017 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2017
Systems thinking to investigate the archetype of globalization
R Nadiia, I Yusuf, KS Yaroslav, B Nataliia, S Mykola, B Olha
International Conference on Business and Technology, 123-140, 2021
Features of leasing investment in agriculture
NP Reznik
Bull. Agric. Sci 11, 72-73, 2011
Strategic planning of the socio-economic development of Ukraine: conceptual aspects
NP Reznik, GV Oleksandr
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 9 (3), 7034-7038, 2020
Український вибір–євроінтеграція: економічні вигоди та історичні засади
НП Резнік
Проблеми міжнародних відносин, 282-301, 2014
Intellectual рotential of Ukraine: Realies and prospects of efficient use in the knowledge-based economy conditions
H Ostrovska, V Demianyshyn, L Maliuta, R Sherstiuk, Т Kuz, N Reznik
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 9 (29), 2020
Інноваційні методи управління підприємствами з огляду на оцінку їхньої ефективності; Innovative methods of enterprise management with evaluation of their efficiency
ОДВ Резнік НП
Науковий журнал Економічний вісник Національного гірничого університету …, 2019
Digital administration of the project based on the concept of smart construction
D Chernyshev, G Ryzhakova, T Honcharenko, H Petrenko, I Chupryna, ...
International Conference on Business and Technology, 1316-1331, 2022
Techniques of procedural actions performance in green room environment: comparative analysis of European and Ukrainian practices
Y Chornous, A Samodin, H Nikitina-Dudikova, N Reznik
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (6 Special Issue …, 2020
Decentralization of authorities in Ukraine; as an efficient instrument for strengthening local democracy in the modern stage of government
NP Reznik, V Srivastava, А Nekryach, S Martynenko, R Naumenko, ...
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 9 (1), 6786-6792, 2019
Analysis of the logistics component of the economic security system of enterprises
N Reznik, A Zahorodnia, L Chornenka
International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, 2021
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