Igor Andreev - Игорь Андреев - Ігор Андрєєв
Igor Andreev - Игорь Андреев - Ігор Андрєєв
Підтверджена електронна адреса в imbg.org.ua - Домашня сторінка
Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Poaceae), Maritime Antarctic
AV Amosova, NL Bolsheva, TE Samatadze, MO Twardovska, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0138878, 2015
Molecular evolution and variability of ITS1–ITS2 in populations of Deschampsia antarctica from two regions of the maritime Antarctic
RA Volkov, IA Kozeretska, SS Kyryachenko, IO Andreev, DN Maidanyuk, ...
Polar Science 4 (3), 469-478, 2010
Molecular Organization of 5S Ribosomal DNА of Deschapmpsia antarctica
OO Ishchenko, ІІ Panchuk, ІO Andreev, VA Kunakh, RA Volkov
Cytology and Genetics 52, 416-421, 2018
Comparative molecular cytogenetic characterization of seven Deschampsia (Poaceae) species
AV Amosova, NL Bolsheva, SA Zoshchuk, MO Twardovska, OY Yurkevich, ...
PLoS One 12 (4), e0175760, 2017
The structural basis for the integrity of adenovirus Ad3 dodecahedron
E Szolajska, WP Burmeister, M Zochowska, B Nerlo, I Andreev, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e46075, 2012
Efficiency of different PCR-based marker systems for assessment of Iris pumila genetic diversity
O Bublyk, I Andreev, R Kalendar, K Spiridonova, V Kunakh
Biologia 68 (4), 613-620, 2013
The cleavage of nuclear DNA into high molecular weight DNA fragments occurs not only during apoptosis but also accompanies changes in functional activity of the nonapoptotic cells
VT Solov'yan, IO Andreev, TY Kolotova, PV Pogribniy, DT Tarnavsky, ...
Experimental cell research 235 (1), 130-137, 1997
New forms of chromosome polymorphism in Deschampsia antarctica Desv. from the Argentine islands of the Maritime Antarctic region
DO Navrotska, MO Twardovska, IO Andreev, IY Parnikoza, AA Betekhtin, ...
Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, 185-191, 2014
Population-genetic analysis of Deschampsia antarctica from two regions of Maritime Antarctica
IO Andreev, EV Spiridonova, SS Kyryachenko, IY Parnikoza, ...
Moscow University biological sciences bulletin 65 (4), 208-210, 2010
Genetic variability in regenerated plants of Ungernia victoris
OM Bublyk, IO Andreev, KV Spiridonova, VA Kunakh
Biologia plantarum 56, 395-400, 2012
PPARGC1A gene polymorphism is associated with exercise-induced fat loss
II Mazur, S Drozdovska, O Andrieieva, Y Vinnichuk, A Polishchuk, ...
Molecular biology reports 47, 7451-7457, 2020
Assessment of the molecular cytogenetic, morphometric and biochemical parameters of Deschampsia antarctica from its southern range limit in maritime Antarctic
D Navrotska, I Andreev, A Betekhtin, MA Rojek-Jelonek, I Parnikoza, ...
Polish Polar Research, 2018
Variability of ribosomal RNA genes in Rauwolfia species: parallelism between tissue culture‐induced rearrangements and interspecies polymorphism
IO Andreev, KV Spiridonova, VT Solovyan, VA Kunakh
Cell biology international 29 (1), 21-27, 2005
[Fractionation of eukaryotic DNA in a pulsed electrical field. II. Discrete DNA fragments and level of structural organization of chromatin]
VT Solov'ian, IO Andreev, VA Kunakh
Molekuliarnaia biologiia 25 (6), 1483-1491, 1991
Genetic effects of tissue culture on maize
IO Andreev, KV Spiridonova, DM Maidanyuk, VA Kunakh
Physiol. Biochem. Cultivated Plants.–2009.–41, 487-495, 2009
Стабильность генома высокопродуктивной клеточной линии К-27 Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. при изменении условий выращивания
ЕВ Спиридонова, DM Адноф, ИО Андреев, ВА Кунах
Біополімери і клітина, 2007
The current state of steppe perennial plants populations: A case study on Iris pumila
IY Parnikoza, IO Andreev, OM Bublyk, KV Spiridonova, J Gołębiewska, ...
Biologia 72 (1), 24-35, 2017
Genetic Variation Induced by Tissue and Organ Culture in Gentiana Species
VA Kunakh, VM Mel’nyk, NM Drobyk, IO Andreev, KV Spiridonova, ...
The Gentianaceae-Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications, 199-238, 2015
The functional organization of plant nuclear DNA. I. Evidence for nuclear topoisomerase II / DNA complex
VT Solovyan, IO Andreyev, VA Kunakh
Mol Biol (Mosk) 27 (6), 1245-51, 1993
Genetic polymorphism of maize somaclonal lines derived from P346 line
DM Maidanyuk, IO Andreev, KV Spiridonova, VA Kunakh
Biopolymers and Cell 34 (3), 324-331, 2007
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