Kirpenko N.I., Кірпенко Н.І., Кирпенко Н.И.. Kyrpenko N.I.
Kirpenko N.I., Кірпенко Н.І., Кирпенко Н.И.. Kyrpenko N.I.
Institute of Hydrobiology NAS of Ukraine, Інститут гідробіології НАНУ, Институт гидробиологии НАНУ
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Influence of higher aquatic plants on microalgae (a review)
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko
Hydrobiological Journal 49 (2), 2013
Some aspects concerning remote after-effects of blue-green algae toxin impact on warm-blooded animals
YA Kirpenko, LA Sirenko, NI Kirpenko
The Water Environment: Algal Toxins and Health, 257-269, 1981
Influence of metabolites of certain algae on human and animal cell cultures
KN Sirenko L., Kyrpenko Yu.
International J. On Algae 1 (1), 102-105, 1999
Phytopathic properties of the toxin of bluegreen algae
NI Kirpenko
Gidrobiol. Zhurn 22 (1), 48-50, 1986
Component composition of exometabolites in cultures of some algae
NI Kirpenko, YA Kurashov, YV Krylova
Hydrobiological Journal 48 (3), 2012
Growth and functioning of some plankton algae under conditions of mixed cultivation
NI Kirpenko
Hydrobiological Journal 41 (5), 56-70, 2005
Influence of polyphenols of higher aquatic plants on the functional activity of plankton algae
AI Sakevich, NI Kirpenko, VA Medved, OM Usenko, ZN Gorbunova
Hydrobiological Journal 41 (6), 99-110, 2005
Comparative analysis of the content of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in the cells of green microalgae
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko, TO Musiy
Hydrobiological Journal 54 (2), 2018
Biochemical composition of green algae at different stages of their growth
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko, TO Musiy
Hydrobiological Journal 51 (4), 2015
Content of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in the cells of green algae at short-term temperature fluctuations
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko, TO Musiy
Hydrobiological Journal 53 (1), 2017
Variability of the biochemical composition of algae (A review)
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko, TO Musiy
Hydrobiological Journal 51 (1), 2015
Species-specific Peculiarities of the Green Algae Growth at Additional Carbon Nutrition. Report 1. Growth Rate of the Green Algae at Maximal Saturation of Medium by CO 2 in …
NI Kirpenko, YG Krot
Hydrobiological Journal 46 (3), 2010
Surface Waters" Blooms"-Fundamental and Applied Aspects
NI Kirpenko, YG Krot, OM Usenko
Hydrobiological Journal 55 (2), 2019
Экзогенные метаболитные комплексы двух синезеленых водорослей в моно-и смешанной культурах
НИ Кирпенко, ЕА Курашов, ЮВ Крылова
ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2010
Exogenous metabolite complexes of two blue-green algae in mono-and mixing cultures
NI Kirpenko, EA Kurashov, JV Krylova
Nauk. Zap. Ternop. Nat. Ped. Univ. Ser. Biol 2, 241-244, 2010
Combined effect of toxins released by cyanophyceae and of certain components of industrial waste on water quality
YA Kirpenko, VV Stankevich, NI Kirpenko
HYDROBIOL. J. 18 (4), 34-36, 1983
Comparative evaluation of toxic effect of blue-green algae biologically active agents at cellular and organismic levels
YA Kirpenko, VV Stankevich, VM Orlovskiy, NI Kirpenko, AV Bokov, ...
Hydrobiol. J 15 (6), 91-94, 1979
Toxicological Aspects of the Surface Water" Blooms"(a Review)
NI Kirpenko, YG Krot, OM Usenko
Hydrobiological Journal 56 (2), 2020
Content of Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids in Biomass of Green Algae Under Different Temprerature of Cultivation
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko, TO Musiy
Hydrobiological Journal 52 (1), 2016
Content of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in the biomass of green algae at various temperatures of cultivation
NI Kirpenko, OM Usenko, TO Musiy
Gidrobiol. Zhurn. 51 (5), 105, 2015
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