Polychronidou Persefoni
Polychronidou Persefoni
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, International Hellenic University 
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ihu.gr
Corporate social responsibility in Greek banking sector–An empirical research
P Polychronidou, E Ioannidou, A Kipouros, L Tsourgiannis, GF Simet
Procedia Economics and Finance 9, 193-199, 2014
Determinants of household electricity consumption in Greece: a statistical analysis
D Kotsila, P Polychronidou
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 10, 1-20, 2021
Mandatory rotation of audit firms and auditors in Greece
P Polychronidou, G Drogalas, I Tampakoudis
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 17 (2), 141-154, 2020
Profiling tourists who have holidays in the region of eastern Macedonia and Thrace in Greece
L Tsourgiannis, P Delias, P Polychronidou, A Karasavvoglou, ...
Procedia Economics and Finance 33, 450-460, 2015
Economic crisis in Europe and the Balkans
A Karasavvoglou, P Polychronidou
Springer International Publishing Switzerland (eBook). Springer Cham …, 2014
Features of public healthcare services provided to migrant patients in the eastern Macedonia and Thrace region (Greece)
CA Tsitsakis, A Karasavvoglou, E Tsaridis, G Ramantani, G Florou, ...
Health policy 121 (3), 329-337, 2017
A class of sparse unimodular matrices generating multiresolution and sampling analysis for data of any length
ND Atreas, C Karanikas, P Polychronidou
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 30 (1), 312-323, 2008
E-commerce behaviour of Lithuanian and Greek women
M Lingytė, S Valsamidis, N Mitsinis, P Polychronidou
Intelektinė ekonomika: mokslo darbų žurnalas= Intellectual economics …, 2011
Labor digitalization in Europe
P Polychronidou, V Zoumpoulidis, S Valsamidis
Intelektinė ekonomika. ISSN 1822-8011, 2021, T. 15, Nr. 2, 2021
The problem of capacity management in Greek public hospitals
C Tsitsakis, P Polychronidou, A Karasavvoglou
KnE Social Sciences, 414-420, 2017
E-consumers’ Perception–An Empirical Research
P Polychronidou, S Valsamidis, I Kazanidis, T Theodosiou, ...
Procedia Economics and Finance 9, 433-438, 2014
Empowering IT operations through artificial intelligence–a new business perspective
L Banica, P Polychronidou, C Stefan, A Hagiu
KnE Social Sciences, 412–425-412–425, 2020
Exploring consumers’ attitudes towards wood products that could be derived from transgenic plantations in Greece
L Tsourgiannis, V Kazana, A Karasavvoglou, M Nikolaidis, G Florou, ...
Procedia Technology 8, 554-560, 2013
The first decade of living with the global crisis
A Karasavvoglou, Z Aranđelović, S Marinković, P Polychronidou
Springer, 2016
A class of sparse invertible matrices and their use for nonlinear prediction of nearly periodic time series with fixed period
ND Atreas, P Polychronidou
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 29 (1-2), 66-87, 2008
Signal analysis on strings for immune‐type pattern recognition
ND Atreas, C Karanikas, P Polychronidou
Comparative and functional genomics 5 (1), 69-74, 2004
Employee satisfaction in tourism businesses–an empirical analysis
P Polychronidou, X Chapsa
Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites 42, 693-699, 2022
Tourism management and sustainable development
G Karanovic, P Polychronidou, A Karasavvoglou, HM Ribaric
Springer, 2021
Economic and financial challenges for balkan and eastern european countries
M Janowicz-Lomott, K Łyskawa, P Polychronidou, A Karasavvoglou
Springer International Publishing, 2020
When IoT meets DevOps: fostering business opportunities
L Banica, P Polychronidou, M Radulescu, C Stefan
KnE Social Sciences, 250–264-250–264, 2018
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