Iryna Hrechka (ORCID: 0000-0003-4907-9170)
Iryna Hrechka (ORCID: 0000-0003-4907-9170)
Другие именаІрина Павлівна Гречка, ИП Гречка
National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433), Ukraine
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Optimal design of vortex chamber pump
A Rogovyi, V Korohodskyi, S Khovanskyi, I Hrechka, Y Medvediev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1741 (1), 012018, 2021
Characteristics improvement of labyrinth screw pump using design modification in screw
P Andrenko, A Rogovyi, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, M Svynarenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1741 (1), 012024, 2021
Solving the coupled aerodynamic and thermal problem for modeling the air distribution devices with perforated plates
S Khovanskyi, I Pavlenko, J Pitel, J Mizakova, M Ochowiak, I Grechka
Energies 12 (18), 3488, 2019
Studies of the swirling submerged flow through a confuser
A Rogovyi, S Khovanskyi, I Hrechka, A Gaydamaka
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 85-94, 2020
The wall erosion in a vortex chamber supercharger due to pumping abrasive mediums
A Rogovyi, S Khovanskyy, I Grechka, J Pitel
Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2020
Designing the flow-through parts of distribution systems for the PRG series planetary hydraulic motors
А Panchenko, А Voloshinа, О Boltyansky, I Milaeva, I Grechka, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 67-77, 2018
A semi-analytical method for analys of contact interaction between structural elements along aligned surfaces
MМ Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, MА Tkachuk, M Saverska, I Hrechka
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (7), 103, 2020
The influence of the gas content in the working fluid on parameters of the the hydraulic motor’s axial piston
P Andrenko, A Rogovyi, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, M Svynarenko
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 97-106, 2021
Reduction of granular material losses in a vortex chamber supercharger drainage channel
A Rogovyi, V Korohodskyi, A Neskorozhenyi, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 218-226, 2022
The study of multicomponent loading effect on thin-walled structures with bolted connections
O Atroshenko, M Tkachuk, O Martynenko, M Saverska, I Hrechka, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 15-25, 2019
Devising an engineering procedure for calculating the ductility of a roller bearing under a no-central radial load
А Gaydamakа, G Kulik, V Frantsuzov, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, A Rogovуі, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 6-10, 2019
Investigation of multiple contact interaction of elements of shearing dies
MM Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, MA Tkachuk, I Hrechka, O Ishchenko, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 6-15, 2019
Improving the technical level of hydraulic machines, hydraulic units and hydraulic devices using a definitive assessment criterion at the design stage
P Andrenko, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, A Rogovyi, M Svynarenko
Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE) 18 (3), 57-76, 2021
Substantiation of thin-walled structures parameters using nonlinear models and method of response surface analysis
M Bondarenko, M Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, I Hrechka
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 44, 32-43, 2019
Contact interaction of a ball piston and a running track in a hydrovolumetric transmission
M Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, M Tkachuk, I Hrechka, V Sierykov
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 195-203, 2021
Simulation of the thermal state of the premises with the heating system «Heat-insulated floor»
MI Sotnik, S Khovanskyy, I Grechka, V Panchenko, M Maksimova
Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies 6 (5), 78, 2015
Особливості врахування газовмісту робочої рідини при дослідженнях гідросистем
ПМ Андренко, ІП Гречка
Промислова гідравліка і пневматика, 24, 2009
Побудова математичної моделі нового гідравлічного вібраційного контуру
ПМ Андренко, ІП Гречка
Видавництво СумДУ, 2005
Substantiating the requirements to functional indicators for the manipulators of mobile robotic demining complexes
V Strutynsky, V Kotsiuruba, A Dovhopoliy, O Husliakov, R Budianu, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 42-50, 2019
Improvement of cavitation erosion characteristics of the centrifugal inducer stage with the inducer bush
P Tkach, A Yashchenko, O Gusak, S Khovanskyy, V Panchenko, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 24-31, 2018
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