Iryna Hrechka (ORCID: 0000-0003-4907-9170)
Iryna Hrechka (ORCID: 0000-0003-4907-9170)
Інші іменаІрина Павлівна Гречка, ИП Гречка
National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (grid.18192.33/ROR 00yp5c433), Ukraine
Підтверджена електронна адреса в kpi.kharkov.ua - Домашня сторінка
Optimal design of vortex chamber pump
A Rogovyi, V Korohodskyi, S Khovanskyi, I Hrechka, Y Medvediev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1741 (1), 012018, 2021
Solving the coupled aerodynamic and thermal problem for modeling the air distribution devices with perforated plates
S Khovanskyi, I Pavlenko, J Pitel, J Mizakova, M Ochowiak, I Grechka
Energies 12 (18), 3488, 2019
Characteristics improvement of labyrinth screw pump using design modification in screw
P Andrenko, A Rogovyi, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, M Svynarenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1741 (1), 012024, 2021
Studies of the swirling submerged flow through a confuser
A Rogovyi, S Khovanskyi, I Hrechka, A Gaydamaka
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 85-94, 2020
The wall erosion in a vortex chamber supercharger due to pumping abrasive mediums
A Rogovyi, S Khovanskyy, I Grechka, J Pitel
Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing II: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2020
Designing the flow-through parts of distribution systems for the PRG series planetary hydraulic motors
А Panchenko, А Voloshinа, О Boltyansky, I Milaeva, I Grechka, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 67-77, 2018
A semi-analytical method for analys of contact interaction between structural elements along aligned surfaces
MМ Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, MА Tkachuk, M Saverska, I Hrechka
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (7), 103, 2020
The influence of the gas content in the working fluid on parameters of the the hydraulic motor’s axial piston
P Andrenko, A Rogovyi, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, M Svynarenko
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 97-106, 2021
The study of multicomponent loading effect on thin-walled structures with bolted connections
O Atroshenko, M Tkachuk, O Martynenko, M Saverska, I Hrechka, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 15-25, 2019
Reduction of granular material losses in a vortex chamber supercharger drainage channel
A Rogovyi, V Korohodskyi, A Neskorozhenyi, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 218-226, 2022
Devising an engineering procedure for calculating the ductility of a roller bearing under a no-central radial load
А Gaydamakа, G Kulik, V Frantsuzov, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, A Rogovуі, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 6-10, 2019
Investigation of multiple contact interaction of elements of shearing dies
MM Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, MA Tkachuk, I Hrechka, O Ishchenko, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 6-15, 2019
Improving the technical level of hydraulic machines, hydraulic units and hydraulic devices using a definitive assessment criterion at the design stage
P Andrenko, I Hrechka, S Khovanskyi, A Rogovyi, M Svynarenko
Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE) 18 (3), 57-76, 2021
Substantiation of thin-walled structures parameters using nonlinear models and method of response surface analysis
M Bondarenko, M Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, I Hrechka
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 44, 32-43, 2019
Contact interaction of a ball piston and a running track in a hydrovolumetric transmission
M Tkachuk, A Grabovskiy, M Tkachuk, I Hrechka, V Sierykov
Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange, 195-203, 2021
Simulation of the thermal state of the premises with the heating system «Heat-insulated floor»
MI Sotnik, S Khovanskyy, I Grechka, V Panchenko, M Maksimova
Eastern-european journal of enterprise technologies 6 (5), 78, 2015
Особливості врахування газовмісту робочої рідини при дослідженнях гідросистем
ПМ Андренко, ІП Гречка
Промислова гідравліка і пневматика, 24, 2009
Побудова математичної моделі нового гідравлічного вібраційного контуру
ПМ Андренко, ІП Гречка
Видавництво СумДУ, 2005
Improvement of cavitation erosion characteristics of the centrifugal inducer stage with the inducer bush
P Tkach, A Yashchenko, O Gusak, S Khovanskyy, V Panchenko, ...
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 24-31, 2018
Experimental Study of the Power Characteristics Influence on the Hydraulic Efficiency
SM Andrenko P., Grechka I., Khovanskyy S.
Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing. DSMIE 2018. Lecture Notes …, 2019
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