Nonmonotonic pseudogap in high- cuprates AA Kordyuk, SV Borisenko, VB Zabolotnyy, R Schuster, DS Inosov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (2), 020504, 2009
57 2009 Superconducting joining of melt-textured Y–Ba–Cu–O bulk material T Prikhna, W Gawalek, V Moshchil, A Surzhenko, A Kordyuk, ...
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36 2001 Simple technique for quality estimation of superconducting joints in bulk melt-processed high temperature superconductors AA Kordyuk, VV Nemoshkalenko, AI Plyushchay, TA Prikhna, W Gawalek
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10 2001 Ab initio modelling of interaction of the edge dislocation with oxygen and carbon impurity atoms in silicon TV Gorkavenko, IV Plyushchay, VA Makara, OI Plyushchay
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5 2017 NATO Sci. Ser AA Kordyuk, VV Nemoshkalenko, AI Plyushchay, RV Viznichenko
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5 1999 Ab initio modeling of boron impurities influence on the electronic and atomic structure of titanium carbide IV Plyushchay, TV Gorkavenko, OI Plyushchay
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3 2019 Ab initio Calculation of Impurity-Dislocation Interaction in Silicon TV Gorkavenko, IV Plyushchay, OI Plyushchay, VA Makara
Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics 10 (4), 2018
3 2018 Ab initio modeling of boron impurities influence on electronic structure of titanium carbide TV Gorkavenko, IV Plyushchay, OI Plyushchay
Journal of Nano-and Electronic Physics 10 (6), 2018
3 2018 Ab initio modelling of electronic structure and mechanical properties of substoichiometric TiCx IV Plyushchay, TL Tsaregradska, OI Plyushchay
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3 2018 The Theoretical Analysis of Phase-Formation Processes in Amorphous Alloys of Fe—Zr System IV Plyushchay, TL Tsaregrads’ka, OO Kalenyk, OI Plyushchay
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3 2016 Ab initio calculation of magnetic interaction between edge dislocation and oxygen impurity in silicon IV Plyushchay, OI Plyushchay, VA Makara
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2 2014 Електронний, зарядовий та магнітний стани точкових дефектів в монокристалах кремнію ІВ Плющай, ВА Макара, ОІ Плющай
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1 2011 Першопринципне моделювання процесу аморфізації в системі Fe− Zr IV Plyushchay, VA Makara, AI Plyushchay, TV Volkova
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2015 Спін-поляризований розрахунок електронних спектрів крайової дислокації в кремнії OI Plyushchay
2012 Особливості електронної структури твердих розчинів перехідних металів у хромі ІВ Плющай, МІ Захаренко, ВА Макара, ОІ Плющай
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2012 BiFeO3 thin film electronic structure peculiarities AB-initio simulation A Plyushchay, VM Pan, A Kordyuk
2010 Improvement of Photoemission Spectroscopy Method with Angular Resolution OI Plyushchay, DV Evtushins' kiy, OA Kordyuk
2008 Effective concentration of carriers in HTSC cuprates OI Plyushchay, DV Evtushinsky, VD Borysenko, OA Kordyuk
2007 Discrimination of true spectral function of strongly correlated metals from photoemission spectra DV Yevtushinsky, OI Plyushchay, OA Kordyuk
2006 Superconducting Flywheel Model for Energy Storage Applications RV Viznichenko, AI Plyushchay, AA Kordyuk
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