Priya Ravi
Priya Ravi
Graduate Student, Purdue University
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Cited by
Role of heat treatment and build orientation in the microstructure sensitive deformation characteristics of IN718 produced via SLM additive manufacturing
MD Sangid, TA Book, D Naragani, J Rotella, P Ravi, A Finch, P Kenesei, ...
Additive Manufacturing 22, 479-496, 2018
Direct observations and characterization of crack closure during microstructurally small fatigue crack growth via in-situ high-energy X-ray characterization
P Ravi, D Naragani, P Kenesei, JS Park, MD Sangid
Acta Materialia 205, 116564, 2021
Direct comparison of microstructure-sensitive fatigue crack initiation via crystal plasticity simulations and in situ high-energy X-ray experiments
V Prithivirajan, P Ravi, D Naragani, MD Sangid
Materials & Design 197, 109216, 2021
Modeling Ti–6Al–4V using crystal plasticity, calibrated with multi-scale experiments, to understand the effect of the orientation and morphology of the α and β phases on time …
K Kapoor, P Ravi, R Noraas, JS Park, V Venkatesh, MD Sangid
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 146, 104192, 2021
ICME approach to determining critical pore size of IN718 produced by selective laser melting
MD Sangid, P Ravi, V Prithivirajan, NA Miller, P Kenesei, JS Park
Jom 72, 465-474, 2020
Strain rate sensitivity, microstructure variations, and stress-assisted β→ α′′ phase transformation investigation on the mechanical behavior of dual-phase titanium alloys
K Kapoor, P Ravi, D Naragani, JS Park, JD Almer, MD Sangid
Materials Characterization 166, 110410, 2020
Role of heat treatment and build orientation in the microstructure sensitive deformation characteristics of IN718 produced via SLM additive manufacturing, Addit. Manuf. 22 …
MD Sangid, TA Book, D Naragani, J Rotella, P Ravi, A Finch, P Kenesei, ...
J. ADDMA 32, 2018
Role of heat treatment and build orientation in the microstructure sensitive deformation characteristics of IN718 produced via SLM additive manufacturing. Addit Manuf 22: 479–496
MD Sangid, TA Book, D Naragani, J Rotella, P Ravi, A Finch, P Kenesei, ...
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