Убізський Сергій Борисович / Sergii Ubizskii
Убізський Сергій Борисович / Sergii Ubizskii
професор Національного університету "Львівська політехніка" / Professor at Lviv Polytechnic National
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Cited by
The comparative analysis and optimization of the free-running Tm3+:YAP and Tm3+:YAG microlasers
OA Buryy, DY Sugak, SB Ubizskii, II Izhnin, MM Vakiv, IM Solskii
Applied physics B 88, 433-442, 2007
Displacement defect formation in complex oxide crystals under irradiation
SB Ubizskii, AO Matkovskii, N Mironova‐Ulmane, V Skvortsova, ...
physica status solidi (a) 177 (2), 349-366, 2000
Afterglow, TL and OSL properties of Mn2+-doped ZnGa2O4 phosphor
A Luchechko, Y Zhydachevskyy, S Ubizskii, O Kravets, AI Popov, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 9544, 2019
Luminescence spectroscopy of Cr3+ ions in bulk single crystalline β-Ga2O3
A Luchechko, V Vasyltsiv, Y Zhydachevskyy, M Kushlyk, S Ubizskii, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (35), 354001, 2020
The crystal structure and twinning of neodymium gallium perovskite single crystals
SB Ubizskii, LO Vasylechko, DI Savytskii, AO Matkovskii, IM Syvorotka
Superconductor Science and Technology 7 (10), 766, 1994
Method of extreme surfaces for optimizing geometry of acousto-optic interactions in crystalline materials: example of LiNbO3 crystals
ОА Buryy, АS Andrushchak, OS Kushnir, SB Ubizskii, DМ Vynnyk, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (8), 2013
Influence of color centers on optical and lasing properties of the gadolinium gallium garnet single crystals doped with Nd3+ ions
D Sugak, A Matkovskii, A Durygin, A Suchocki, I Solskii, S Ubizskii, ...
Journal of luminescence 82 (1), 9-15, 1999
Optical, Structural, and Mechanical Properties of Gd3Ga5O12 Single Crystals Irradiated with 84Kr+ Ions
ZT Karipbayev, K Kumarbekov, I Manika, A Dauletbekova, AL Kozlovskiy, ...
physica status solidi (b) 259 (8), 2100415, 2022
Photoacoustic and optical absorption spectroscopy studies of luminescent and centers in yttrium aluminum garnet
M Grinberg, A Sikorska, A Śliwiński, J Barzowska, YR Shen, SB Ubizskii, ...
Physical Review B 67 (4), 045113, 2003
Time-resolved OSL studies of YAlO3: Mn2+ crystals
Y Zhydachevskii, A Luchechko, D Maraba, N Martynyuk, M Glowacki, ...
Radiation Measurements 94, 18-22, 2016
In situ investigation of optical absorption changes in LiNbO3 during reducing/oxidizing high-temperature treatments
D Sugak, Y Zhydachevskii, Y Sugak, O Buryy, S Ubizskii, I Solskii, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (8), 086211, 2007
TL and OSL properties of Mn2+-doped MgGa2O4 phosphor
A Luchechko, Y Zhydachevskyy, D Maraba, E Bulur, S Ubizskii, O Kravets
Optical Materials 78, 502-507, 2018
Energy response of the TL detectors based on YAlO3: Mn crystals
Y Zhydachevskii, A Morgun, S Dubinski, Y Yu, M Glowacki, S Ubizskii, ...
Radiation Measurements 90, 262-264, 2016
Crystal structure and luminescent properties of nanocrystalline YAG and YAG: Nd synthesized by sol–gel method
Y Zhydachevskii, II Syvorotka, L Vasylechko, D Sugak, ID Borshchyshyn, ...
Optical Materials 34 (12), 1984-1989, 2012
Orientational states of magnetization in epitaxial (1 1 1)-oriented iron garnet films
SB Ubizskii
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 195 (3), 575-582, 1999
Radiation displacement defect formation in some complex oxide crystals
SB Ubizskii, AO Matkovskii, NA Mironova-Ulmane, V Skvortsova, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2000
Growth and characterization of Bi, Pr-and Bi, Sc-substituted lutetium iron garnet films with planar magnetization for magneto-optic visualization
IM Syvorotka, SB Ubizskii, M Kucera, M Kuhn, Z Vértesy
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 34 (8), 1178, 2001
Optical properties of epitaxial YAG: Yb films
SB Ubizskii, AO Matkovskii, SS Melnyk, IM Syvorotka, V Müller, V Peters, ...
physica status solidi (a) 201 (4), 791-797, 2004
Radiation‐Stimulated Processes in Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Single Crystals
AO Matkovskii, DY Sugak, SB Ubizskii, UA Ulmanis, AP Shakhov
physica status solidi (a) 128 (1), 21-29, 1991
Thick epitaxial YIG films with narrow FMR linewidth
II Syvorotka, IM Syvorotka, SB Ubizskii
Solid State Phenomena 200, 250-255, 2013
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Articles 1–20