Сергій Дегтярьов
Сергій Дегтярьов
Сумський державний університет, професор, завідувач кафедри історії
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Implementing a Value-Oriented Approach to Training Law Students.
VM Zavhorodnia, AS Slavko, SI Degtyarev, LG Polyakova
European Journal of Contemporary Education 8 (3), 677-691, 2019
The effect of social media on financial literacy
OA Shvaher, SI Degtyarev, LG Polyakova
International Journal of Media and Information Literacy 6 (1), 211-218, 2021
Degtyarev SI, Kryvosheia II (2016). The Incorporation of Bunchukovogo Partnership in Part of Service and Social Elite of the Russian Empire in the last third of the XVIII century
K Degtyarev
Bylye Gody 42 (4), 1118-1126, 2016
Justice system of Northeastern Ukraine and the influence of Russian judicial practice (middle XVII-XVIII centuries)
SI Degtyarev, LG Polyakova, LL Balanyuk, J Gut
Былые годы 2 (52), 491-501, 2019
The Contribution of Nikolai Vasilievich Varadinov to the Development of Russian Civil Law and Historical and Legal Research
SI Degtyarev, VM Zavhorodnia, LG Polyakova
Былые годы, 1530-1537, 2018
Public and State Significance The Ranks of the Table of Ranks in the Russian Empire at the End of XVIII – the First Half of the XIX Centuries
D S.I.
Bylye gody 38 (4), 865-875, 2015
A study into the skills of using data verification tools as a media information literacy instrument for university students
AY Lebid, SI Dehtiarov, LG Polyakova
Academic Publishing House Researcher sro, 2020
On the Establishment of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) University in Austria-Hungary and Its Coverage in" Kievskaya Starina" Journal.
SI Degtyarev, VM Zavhorodnia, LG Polyakova
European Journal of Contemporary Education 7 (4), 911-917, 2018
The Bessarabian Question in 1917-1918: the Relations of Romania, Bessarabia and Ukraine
SI Degtyarev, VM Zavhorodnia
Bylye Gody 48 (2), 872-879, 2018
Bessarabian Functionaries in the Epistolary Legacy of Ivan Sergeyevich Aksakov
Bylye gody, 254-259, 2015
The Problem of the Social Background of Government Officials within the Policies of the Romanovs (18th Century - First Half of the 19th Century)
Bylye gody, 28-35, 2013
Маловідомий опис м. Батурин 1760 р.
СІ Дегтярьов
Сумський історико-архівний журнал, 32-66, 2010
Цивільне чиновництво України у кінці XVIII--першій половині ХІХ ст: монографія
СІ Дегтярьов
TOV Drukarsʹkyĭ dim" Papirus", 2014
The History of Bureaucracy of the Russian Empire in the Russian Historiography of XIX – Early XХ Century
Bylye gody, 554-558, 2014
https://ejce. cherkasgu. press
V Zydziunaite, L Kaminskiene, V Jurgilea, E Jezukevicienea
European Journal of Contemporary Education 11 (1), 2022
The Institution of Honorary Supervisors in the System of Public Education of the Russian Empire in the First Half of the 19th Century (The Case of the Kharkov Educational …
SI Dehtiarov, LG Polyakova, DI Stepanova
European Journal of Contemporary Education 9 (3), 666-678, 2020
Чины как инструмент национально-унификационной политики Российской Империи на землях Левобережной Украины, Кавказа, Бессарабии (конец ХVIII – первая половина ХІХ в.)
СИ Дегтярев
Русин, 177-195, 2016
Correspondence between the academician Evgeny Fedorov and Tsou Yi-Hsin: materials to the history of latitude investigations
MO Pryn, OV Pryn, SI Dehtiarov
Сумський історико-архівний журнал, 33-41, 2015
Transformations in the Field of public education of the Ukrainian State in 1918. Part 1
SI Degtyarev, VM Zavhorodnia, LG Polyakova
European Journal of Contemporary Education 9 (4), 971-983, 2020
Українське судочинство наприкінці ХVII – у ХVIII ст. та впливи на нього російських судових практик
СІ Дегтярьов
Гілея 104 (1), 11-18, 2016
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