Сергей Клавдиевич Абрамов, Sergey Abramov, Sergiy Abramov
Сергей Клавдиевич Абрамов, Sergey Abramov, Sergiy Abramov
Национальный аэрокосмический университет, факультет радиоэлектроники, компьютерных систем и
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене khai.edu
Lossy compression of hyperspectral images based on noise parameters estimation and variance stabilizing transform
AN Zemliachenko, RA Kozhemiakin, ML Uss, SK Abramov, ...
Journal of applied remote sensing 8 (1), 083571-083571, 2014
Efficiency analysis of color image filtering
DV Fevralev, NN Ponomarenko, VV Lukin, SK Abramov, KO Egiazarian, ...
EURASIP Journal on advances in signal processing 2011, 1-19, 2011
Methods and automatic procedures for processing images based on blind evaluation of noise type and characteristics
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, NN Ponomarenko, ML Uss, M Zriakhov, B Vozel, ...
Journal of applied remote sensing 5 (1), 053502-053502-26, 2011
Image informative maps for estimating noise standard deviation and texture parameters
M Uss, B Vozel, V Lukin, S Abramov, I Baryshev, K Chehdi
EURASIP journal on advances in signal processing 2011, 1-12, 2011
Blind evaluation of additive noise variance in textured images by nonlinear processing of block DCT coefficients
NN Ponomarenko, VV Lukin, SK Abramov, KO Egiazarian, JT Astola
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems II 5014, 178-189, 2003
Prediction of filtering efficiency for DCT-based image denoising
S Abramov, S Krivenko, A Roenko, V Lukin, I Djurović, M Chobanu
2013 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 97-100, 2013
Segmentation-based method for blind evaluation of noise variance in images
SK Abramov, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi, JT Astola
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 2 (1), 023533, 2008
Analysis of classification accuracy for pre-filtered multichannel remote sensing data
V Lukin, S Abramov, S Krivenko, A Kurekin, O Pogrebnyak
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (16), 6400-6411, 2013
Lossy compression of noisy remote sensing images with prediction of optimal operation point existence and parameters
AN Zemliachenko, SK Abramov, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 9 (1), 095066-095066, 2015
Noise identification and estimation of its statistical parameters by using unsupervised variational classification
B Vozel, K Chehdi, L Klaine, VV Lukin, SK Abramov
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Impact of SAR data filtering on crop classification accuracy
M Lavreniuk, N Kussul, M Meretsky, V Lukin, S Abramov, O Rubel
2017 IEEE First Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2017
Is Texture Denoising Efficiency Predictable?
O Rubel, V Lukin, S Abramov, B Vozel, O Pogrebnyak, K Egiazarian
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 32 …, 2018
Performance analys of segmentation-based method for blind evaluation of additive noise in images
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, B Vozel, M Uss, K Chehdi
2010 international Kharkov symposium on physics and engineering of …, 2010
Filtering of radar images based on blind evaluation of noise characteristics
VV Lukin, NN Ponomarenko, SK Abramov, B Vozel, K Chehdi, JT Astola
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XIV 7109, 225-236, 2008
Image DCT coefficient statistics and their use in blind noise variance estimation
D Kurkin, V Lukin, V Abramova, S Abramov, B Vozel, K Chehdi
2012 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic …, 2012
Blind methods for noise evaluation in multi-component images
B Vozel, S Abramov, K Chehdi, V Lukin, N Ponomarenko, M Uss, J Astola
Multivariate image processing, 263-295, 2009
Blind evaluation of noise variance in images using myriad operation
S Abramov, VV Lukin, AA Zelensky, JT Astola
Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems 4667, 192-203, 2002
Methods for blind estimation of speckle variance in SAR images: Simulation results and verification for real-life data
S Abramov, V Abramova, V Lukin, N Ponomarenko, B Vozel, K Chehdi, ...
Computational and Numerical Simulations, 303, 2014
Image filtering: potential efficiency and current problems
V Lukin, S Abramov, N Ponomarenko, K Egiazarian, J Astola
2011 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2011
Improved minimal inter-quantile distance method for blind estimation of noise variance in images
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, AA Zelensky, JT Astola, B Vozel, K Chehdi
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XIII 6748, 444-455, 2007
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