Барановський Віталій Сергійович Vitaliy S. Baranovskyi
Барановський Віталій Сергійович Vitaliy S. Baranovskyi
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене tnpu.edu.ua - Главная страница
Indication of the impact of environmental stress on the responses of the bivalve mollusk Unio tumidus to ibuprofen and microplastics based on biomarkers of reductive stress and …
V Martyniuk, V Khoma, T Matskiv, V Baranovsky, K Orlova-Hudim, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology …, 2022
Исследование влияния 1, 4-бис (n, n-диметилдитиокарбамато) бензена на механические свойства эпоксидной матрицы
АВ Букетов, АА Сапронов, ВМ Яцюк, БД Грищук, ВС Барановский
Пластические массы, 26-34, 2014
Catalytic and non-catalytic reactions of diazonium aromatic salts with alkenes in the presence of nucleophiles
BD Grishchuk, PM Gorbovyi, VS Baranovskyi, NI Ganushak
Journal of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 6 (3), 16-32, 2008
Reactions of arenediazonium tetrafluoroborates with 3-chloro-2-methylpropene in the presence of potassium chloride, bromide, and thiocyanate
PM Gorbovoi, GN Tulaidan, BD Grishchuk
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 78 (1), 133-135, 2008
Environmental concentrations of Roundup in combination with chlorpromazine or heating causes biochemical disturbances in the bivalve mollusc Unio tumidus
V Khoma, V Martinyuk, T Matskiv, L Gnatyshyna, V Baranovsky, M Gladiuk, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12, 2022
Synthesis and heterocyclization of 3-aryl-2-methyl-2-thiocyanatopropanamides
VS Baranovskii, RV Simchak, BD Grishchuk
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 79 (2), 269-273, 2009
Synthesis and antibacterial and antifungal properties of 2-thiocyanato-(2-methyl)-3-arylpropionamides and 2-amino-5-benzyl-(5-methyl) thiazol-4-ones
BD Grishchuk, VS Baranovskii, SI Klimnyuk
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 45 (9), 532-535, 2011
Каталітичні і некаталітичні реакції ароматичних солей діазонію з алкенами у присутності нуклеофілів
БД Грищук, ПМ Горбовий, ВС Барановський, МІ Ганущак
Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії, 2008
Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds at the AE Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 50 years
NA Nedolya
Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds 44, 1165-1219, 2008
Anionarylation of acrylic and methacrylic acids derivatives with p-and m-phenylenebisdiazonium tetrafluoroborates
VS Baranovskii, VN Yatsyuk, BD Grishchuk
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 84 (8), 1505-1509, 2014
Agents in Anionarylation of Acrylamides and Methacrylamides/VS Baranovskii, VN Yatsyuk, BD Grishchuk
BVSBT as Arylating
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 83 (11), 2040-2043, 2013
Synthesis of 5-arylsubstituted thiazol-4-one acetyl and amino derivatives by the heterocyclization of the products of acrylamide thiocyanatoarylation
BD Grishchuk, VS Baranovskii
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 81 (9), 1896, 2011
Reaction of arenediazonium tetrafluoroborates with allyl methacrylate in the presence of the thiocyanate anion
BD Grishchuk, VS Baranovskii, RV Simchak, GN Tulaidan, PM Gorbovoi
Russian journal of general chemistry 76, 936-938, 2006
Use of four-factorial design in ion-selective potentiometry for analysis of multi-ionic solutions
A Akhmetshin, V Baranovsky, A Akhmetshina
Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 361, 282-284, 1998
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of 2-Chloro (bromo)-(2-methyl)-3-arylpropionamides
BD Grishchuk, RV Symchak, VS Baranovskii, SI Klimnyuk, EV Pokryshko
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 47, 307-309, 2013
Синтез и гетероциклизация продуктов тиоцианатоарилирования метакриламида
ВС Барановский, РВ Симчак, БД Грищук
Журнал общей химии 79 (2), 280-284, 2009
Взаимодействие тетрафтороборатов арилдиазония с моноаллиловым эфиром глицерина и диаллиловым эфиром 1, 1, 1-триметилолпропана в присутствии тиоцианатов
БД Грищук, ВС Барановский, ЯП Ковальский, ПМ Горбовой
Журнал общей химии 74 (12), 2019-2022, 2004
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Thiocyanatoarylation Products of Acrylamide and Methacrylamide by Diphenyl-and Phenylene-Bis-Diazonium Salts
BD Grishchuk, VN Yatsyuk, VS Baranovskii, EV Pokryshko, SI Klimnyuk
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 50 (8), 534-536, 2016
Chloroarylation and thiocyanatoarylation of itaconic acid
VS Baranovskii, BM Petrushka, AY Fesak, BD Grishchuk
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 83 (2), 325-328, 2013
Синтез біологічно активних речовин-продуктів аніонарилювання ненасичених сполук
БД Грищук, ВС Барановський, СІ Климнюк
Фармацевтичний часопис, 2011
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