Liubomyr Poberezhnyi (Любомир Побережний)
Liubomyr Poberezhnyi (Любомир Побережний)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hsu-hh.de
Modeling computational fluid dynamics of multiphase flows in elbow and T-junction of the main gas pipeline
Y Doroshenko, J Doroshenko, V Zapukhliak, L Poberezhny, P Maruschak
Transport 34 (1), 19-29, 2019
Safe operation of engineering structures in the oil and gas industry
AV Yavorskyi, MO Karpash, LY Zhovtulia, LY Poberezhny, PO Maruschak
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 46, 289-295, 2017
Mathematical modeling of unsteady gas transmission system operating conditions under insufficient loading
V Zapukhliak, L Poberezhny, P Maruschak, V Grudz Jr, R Stasiuk, ...
Energies 12 (7), 1325, 2019
Fatigue and failure of steel of offshore gas pipeline after the laying operation
L Poberezhnyi, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis, I Danyliuk, T Pyrig, ...
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 16, 524-536, 2016
Corrosive and mechanical degradation of pipelines in acid soils
LY Poberezhnyi, PO Marushchak, AP Sorochak, D Draganovska, ...
Strength of Materials 49, 539-549, 2017
Fatigue and brittle fracture of carbon steel of gas and oil pipelines
P Maruschak, L Poberezhny, T Pyrig
Transport 28 (3), 270-275, 2013
Peculiarities of the static and dynamic failure mechanism of long-term exploited gas pipeline steel
P Maruschak, R Bishchak, O Prentkovskis, L Poberezhnyi, I Danyliuk, ...
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 8 (4), 1687814016641565, 2016
Risk management of a safe operation of engineering structures in the oil and gas sector
AV Yavorskyi, M Karpash, L Zhovtulia, L Poberezhnyi, P Maruschak, ...
Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2016
Impact of long-term operation on the reliability and durability of transit gas pipelines
O Igor, P Lyubomyr, Z Vasyl, H Andrii, P Liubov, S Andrij, K Viktoria, R Ihor
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 70 (1), 115-126, 2020
Corrosion of drill pipes in high mineralized produced waters
I Chudyk, L Poberezhny, A Hrysanchuk, L Poberezhna
Procedia Structural Integrity 16, 260-264, 2019
Structural and mechanical defects of materials of offshore and onshore main gas pipelines after long-term operation
P Maruschak, S Panin, I Danyliuk, L Poberezhnyi, T Pyrig, R Bishchak, ...
Open Engineering 5 (1), 2015
Study of main gas pipeline steel strain hardening after prolonged operation
PO Marushchak, UV Salo, RT Bishchak, LY Poberezhnyi
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 50 (1), 58-61, 2014
Influence of test temperature on impact toughness of X70 pipe steel welds
Y Kryzhanivskyy, L Poberezhny, P Maruschak, M Lyakh, V Slobodyan, ...
Procedia Structural Integrity 16, 237-244, 2019
Study of heat-resistant steel strain hardening by indentation
PO Maruschak, IB Okipnyi, LY Poberezhnyi, EV Maruschak
Metallurgist 56 (11), 946-951, 2013
Assessment of Potential Environmental Risks from Saline Soils Subsidence
LY Pobereznyi, LY Poberezhna, PO Maruschak, SV Panin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 50 (1), 1-6, 2017
Physical and mechanical aspects of corrosion damage of distribution gas pipelines after long-term operation
P Maruschak, L Poberezny, O Prentkovskis, R Bishchak, A Sorochak, ...
Journal of failure analysis and prevention 18, 562-567, 2018
Minimizing losses during natural gas transportation
L Poberezhny, A Hrytsanchuk, I Okipnyi, L Poberezhna, A Stanetsky, ...
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69 (1), 97-108, 2019
Impact of gas hydrates and long-term operation on fatigue characteristics of pipeline steels
L Poberezhny, P Maruschak, A Hrytsanchuk, L Poberezhna, ...
Procedia Engineering 187, 356-362, 2017
Influence of hydrate formation and wall shear stress on the corrosion rate of industrial pipeline materials
L Poberezhny, A Hrytsanchuk, G Hrytsuliak, L Poberezhna, M Kosmii
KOM–Corrosion and Material Protection Journal 62 (4), 121-128, 2018
Optimal gas transport management taking into account reliability factor
V Grudz, Y Grudz, V Zapukhliak, I Chudyk, L Poberezhny, N Slobodyan, ...
Management Systems in Production Engineering 28 (3), 202-208, 2020
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