Григорій Торбін   (Grygoriy Torbin, H.M. Torbin)
Григорій Торбін (Grygoriy Torbin, H.M. Torbin)
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (НПУ імені М.П. Драгоманова)
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Cited by
Fractal probability distributions and transformations preserving the Hausdorff–Besicovitch dimension
S Albeverio, M Pratsiovytyi, G Torbin
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 24 (1), 1-16, 2004
Topological and fractal properties of real numbers which are not normal
S Albeverio, M Pratsiovytyi, G Torbin
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 129 (8), 615-630, 2005
Fractal properties of singular probability distributions with independent Q*-digits
S Albeverio, G Torbin
Bulletin des sciences mathematiques 129 (4), 356-367, 2005
On fine structure of singularly continuous probability measures and random variables with independent -symbols
S Albeverio, V Koshmanenko, M Pratsiovytyi, G Torbin
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 2011, 2011
Ряди Остроградського-Серпінського-Пірса та їхні застосування
О Барановський, М Працьовитий, Г Торбін
Наукова думка, 2013
Вища математика з елементами інформаційних технологій: Навч. посіб
ОБ Жильцов, ГМ Торбін
К.: МАУП, 2002
On fine fractal properties of generalized infinite Bernoulli convolutions
S Albeverio, G Torbin
Bulletin des sciences mathematiques 132 (8), 711-727, 2008
Мультифрактальний аналіз сингулярно неперервних ймовірнісних мір
Український математичний журнал 57 (5), 837-857, 2005
Digitalization of the educational process for the training of the pre-service teachers
OV Strutynska, GM Torbin, MA Umryk, RM Vernydub
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021
Strengthening of e-learning at the leading Ukrainian pedagogical universities in the time of COVID-19 pandemic
HI Falfushynska, BB Buyak, HV Tereshchuk, GM Torbin, MM Kasianchuk
CTE Workshop Proceedings 8, 261-273, 2021
Singular Probability Distributions and Fractal Properties of Sets of Real Numbers Defined by the Asymptotic Frequencies of Their s-Adic Digits
S Albeverio, M Prats' Ovytyi, G Torbin
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 57, 1361-1370, 2005
Superfractality of the set of numbers having no frequency ofn-adic digits, and fractal probability distributions
NV Pratsevityi, GM Torbin
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 47 (7), 1113-1118, 1995
Spectral properties of image measures under the infinite conflict interaction
S Albeverio, V Koshmanenko, M Pratsiovytyi, G Torbin
Positivity 10, 39-49, 2006
Image measures of infinite product measures and generalized Bernoulli convolutions
A Sergio, T Grygoriy
arXiv preprint math/0308025, 2003
Fine structure of the singular continuous spectrum
S Albeverio, V Koshmanenko, G Torbin
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 9 (02), 101-119, 2003
Случайные величины с независимыми Q∗-знаками
ГМ Торбин, НВ Працевитый
Случайные эволюции: теоритические и прикладные задачи. Киев: Ин-т математики …, 1992
Convolutions of distributions of random variables with independent binary digits
S Albeverio, Y Goncharenko, M Pratsiovytyi
Walter de Gruyter 15 (1), 89-104, 2007
The Ostrogradsky series and related Cantor-like sets
S Albeverio, O Baranovskyi, M Pratsiovytyi, G Torbin
Acta Arithmetica 130 (3), 215-230, 2007
Probability distributions with independent -symbols and transformations preserving the Hausdorff dimension
G Torbin
Theory of Stochastic Processes 13 (2), 281-293, 2007
Schrödinger operators with a number of negative eigenvalues equal to the number of point interactions
S Albeverio, L Nizhnik
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 9 (04), 273-286, 2003
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Articles 1–20