Iurii Krak
Iurii Krak
Інші іменаКрак Ю.В., Ю. Крак, Iu. Krak
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine
Підтверджена електронна адреса в knu.ua - Домашня сторінка
Using visual analytics to develop human and machine‐centric models: A review of approaches and proposed information technology
I Krak, O Barmak, E Manziuk
Computational Intelligence 38 (3), 921-946, 2022
Information technology of separating hyperplanes synthesis for linear classifiers
AV Barmak, YV Krak, EA Manziuk, VS Kasianiuk
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 51 (5), 2019
Method for Sentiment Analysis of Ukrainian-Language Reviews in E-Commerce Using RoBERTa Neural Network.
O Zalutska, M Molchanova, O Sobko, O Mazurets, O Pasichnyk, O Barmak, ...
COLINS (1), 344-356, 2023
Pseudoinverse and projection matrices in problems of synthesis of functional transformers
NF Kirichenko, YV Krak, AA Polishchuk
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 40, 407-419, 2004
Data classification based on the features reduction and piecewise linear separation
I Krak, O Barmak, E Manziuk, A Kulias
International Conference on Intelligent Computing & Optimization, 282-289, 2019
Multidimensional scaling by means of pseudoinverse operations
IV Krak, GI Kudin, AI Kulyas
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 55, 22-29, 2019
The practice implementation of the information technology for automated definition of semantic terms sets in the content of educational materials
YV Krak, OV Barmak, OV Mazurets
Problems in Programming, 245-254, 2018
Neural Network Analytics and Forecasting the Country's Business Climate in Conditions of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
S Semerikov, H Kucherova, V Los, D Ocheretin
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021
An approach for clustering of seismic events using unsupervised machine learning
M Karmenova, A Tlebaldinova, I Krak, N Denissova, G Popova, ...
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 19 (5), 7-22, 2022
Abusive Speech Detection Method for Ukrainian Language Used Recurrent Neural Network.
I Krak, O Zalutska, M Molchanova, O Mazurets, R Bahrii, O Sobko, ...
COLINS (3), 16-28, 2024
Formal Model of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Based on Standardization.
E Manziuk, O Barmak, I Krak, O Mazurets, T Skrypnyk
IntelITSIS, 190-197, 2021
Definition of information core for documents classification
EA Manziuk, AV Barmak, YV Krak, VS Kasianiuk
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 50 (4), 2018
Modeling human hand movements, facial expressions, and articulation to synthesize and visualize gesture information
IG Kryvonos, IV Krak
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 47, 501-505, 2011
Text entry system for alternative speech communications
YV Krak, AV Barmak, RA Bagriy, IO Stelya
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 49 (1), 2017
New tools of alternative communication for persons with verbal communication disorders
IG Kryvonos, IV Krak, OV Barmak, RO Bagriy
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 52, 665-673, 2016
Methods to create systems for the analysis and synthesis of communicative information
IG Kryvonos, IV Krak, OV Barmak, AI Kulias
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 53, 847-856, 2017
Approach to creating an ensemble on a hierarchy of clusters using model decisions correlation
EA Manziuk, W Wójcik, OV Barmak, IV Krak, AI Kulias, VA Drabovska, ...
Przegląd elektrotechniczny 96 (9), 108-113, 2020
Predictive text typing system for the Ukrainian language
IG Kryvonos, IV Krak, OV Barmak, RO Bagriy
Cybernetics and systems analysis 53, 495-502, 2017
Construction and identification of elements of sign communication
IG Kryvonos, IV Krak, OV Barmak, DV Shkilniuk
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 49, 163-172, 2013
Human hand motion parametrization for dactilemes modeling
IG Kryvonos, YV Krak, YV Barchukova, BA Trotsenko
Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 43 (12), 2011
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