Tashyreva Hanna
Tashyreva Hanna
Невідома організація
Підтверджена електронна адреса в upnm.edu.my
Method for determining organic compound concentration in biological systems by permanganate redox titration
О Suslova, V Govorukha, О Brovarskaya, N Matveeva, H Tashyreva, ...
International Journal Bioautomation 18 (1), 45, 2014
The novel comprehensive approach for non-food agricultural and landfill biomass microbial fermentation and biogas production
A Tashyreva, O Tashyrev, I Prytula
Biotechnology and Plant Breeding Perspectives, 347-356, 2014
Study of Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Long-Term Cultivated Artemisia and Althaea “hairy” Roots
N Matvieieva, A Shakhovsky, H Tashyreva, Y Ratushnyak, V Duplij, ...
Current Microbiology 79 (1), 14, 2022
Integrated Approach for Development of Environmental Biotechnologies for Treatment of Solid Organic Waste and Obtaining of Biohydrogen and Lignocellulosic Substrate
VM Hovorukha, OB Tashyrev, NA Matvieieva, HO Tashyreva, ...
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 74 (4), 31-42, 2018
The effect of mixing modes on biohydrogen yield and spatial pH gradient at dark fermentation of solid food waste
OS Hanna Tashyreva Oleksandr Tashyrev, Vira Govorukha
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection 2, 53-62, 2017
Phylogenetic analysis of bacteria of extreme ecosystems
VA Romanovskaia, VV Parfenova, NL Bel'kova, EV Sukhanova, ...
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) 76 (3), 2-10, 2014
Application of lignocellulosic substrate obtained after hydrogen dark fermentation of food waste as biofertilizer
OB Tashyrev, NA Matvieieva, VM Hovorukha, HO Tashyreva, OI Bielikova, ...
Industrial biotechnology 14 (6), 315-322, 2018
Thermodynamic substantiation of integral mechanisms of microbial interaction with metals
V Hovorukha, O Havryliuk, H Tashyreva, O Tashyrev, I Sioma
Ecol. Eng. Environ. Prot 2018, 55-63, 2018
Temperature range for growth of the Antarctic microorganisms
VA Romanovaskaia, AB Tashirev, GB Gladka, AA Tashireva
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) 74 (4), 13-19, 2012
Increase in efficiency of hydrogen production by optimization of food waste fermentation parameters
V Hovorukha, O Tashyrev, H Tashyreva, O Havryliuk, O Bielikova, ...
Energetika 65 (1), 2019
Synthesis of melanin pigments by Antarctic black yeast
AB Tashirev, VA Romanovskaia, PV Rokitko, NA Matveeva, SO Shilin, ...
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) 74 (5), 2-8, 2012
Formation of molecular hydrogen by the association of spore-forming microorganisms/NA Matveyev [and others.]
NA Matveeva
Microbial. Journ 73 (1), 36-43, 2011
Occurence of Metalresistant Microorganisms on Islands of the Internal Shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula
AB Tashyrev, PV Rokitko, NA Matvieieva, AA Tashyreva, ...
Український антарктичний журнал, 2009
Autecology and Taxonomy of Bacteria Isolated from Extreme Environments
O Tashyrev, V Romanovskaya, P Rokitko, H Tashyreva, I Prytula, ...
Мікробіологічний журнал, 100-113, 2017
Method of thermodynamic prognosis for new environmental biotechnologies development
OB Tashyrev, IP Prekrasna, GO Tashyreva, NA Matvieieva, PV Rokitko
J. Int. Sci. Publ 1 (2), 92-110, 2013
Microbiological analysis of terrestrial biotopes of the Antarctic region
AB Tashirev, VA Romanovskaia, PV Rokitko, SO Shilin, NA Chernaia, ...
Mikrobiolohichnyi Zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine: 1993) 72 (2), 3-9, 2010
The biophysical model and experimental observation of strong inhibition activity of water activated with the help of MRET process
VI Vysotskii, AB Tashyrev, AA Tashyreva, AA Kornilova
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006: August 27 …, 2007
Occurrence of Cu²⁺-resistant microorganisms on Antarctic island Galindez
GO Tashyreva, NA Matveewa, OB Tashyrev
Український антарктичний журнал, 2006
The Novel Comprehensive Approach for Agricultural and Landfill Biomass Microbial Fermentation and Biogas Production
A Tashyreva, O Tashyrev, I Prytula
Biotechnology and Plant Breeding Perspectives, 347-356, 0
Thermodynamic prediction for development of novel environmental biotechnologies and valuable products from waste obtaining
O Tashyrev, V Hovorukha, O Suslova, H Tashyreva, O Havryliuk
Ecological Engineering and Environment Protection, 24-35, 2018
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