Svitlana Drin
Svitlana Drin
Невідома організація
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ukma.edu.ua
Matematychne modeliuvannia finansovo-ekonomichnykh protsesiv na bazi lohistychnoi poslidovnosti determinovanoho khaosu
SS Drin, VP Ishchuk, NY Shchestiuk
Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA 178, 10-15, 2016
The Cauchy problem for equation of fractal diffusion with argument deviation
SS Drin, YM Drin
Bucovinian math. J 3 (2), 23-26, 2015
The first boundary value problem for the nohlinear equation of heat conduction with deviation of the argument
Y Drin, I Drin
Electronics, Communications and Computing, 209-213, 2023
The boundary problem by variable t for equation of fractal diffusion with argument deviation
I Drin, S Drin, Y Drin
Наукові записки НаУКМА. 201: Фізико-математичні науки 201, 5-7, 2017
A test on the location of tangency portfolio for small sample size and singular covariance matrix
S Drin, S Mazur, S Muhinyuza
Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications 12 (1), 43-59, 2024
Risk Evaluating for Subdiffusive Option Price Model with Gamma Subordinator
N Shchestyuk, S Drin, S Tyshchenko
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, 286-291, 2024
Non-classical boundary value problem for the heat conduction equation
I Drin, S Drin, Y Drin, M Lutskiv
Predictive model for a product without history using LightGBM. Pricing model for a new product
A Kriuchkova, V Toloknova, S Drin
Mohyla Mathematical Journal 6, 6-13, 2024
Representation of solutions for fractional kinetic equations with deviation time variable
YM Drin, VA Ushenko, II Drin, SS Drin
Fourteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics 11369, 172-180, 2020
Representation of solution for fully nonlocal diffusion equations with deviation time variable
II Drin, SS Drin, YM Drin
Thirteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics 10612, 91-98, 2018
Forecast model of the price of a product with a cold start
S Drin, N Shchestyuk
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance, 154-159, 2024
Analysis of non-classical heat conduction models
I Drin, S Drin, Y Drin, M Lutskiv
Technical University of Moldova, 2024
The Analytical View of Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem for the Nonlinear Equation of Heat Conduction with Deviation of the Argument
YM Drin, II Drin, SS Drin
Journal of Optimization, Differential Equations and Their Applications 31 (2 …, 2023
Prediction model with LightGBM method for prediction prices for new products
S Drin
DySES 2023 (Dynamics of Socio Economic Systems), University of Almeria …, 2023
A recommendation system with reinforcement for determining the price of a product
S Drin, A Kriuchkova
A recommendation system with reinforcement for prediction product sales
S Drin, A Kriuchkova
29th Nordic Conference in Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT 2023 …, 2023
Predictive model for a product without history using LightGBM. pricing model for a new product
S Drin, A Kriuchkova, V Toloknova
The cauchy problem for quasilinear equation with nonstationary diffusion coefficient
Y Drin, I Drin, S Drin
A Model of a System of Simultaneous Equations with a Lag Effect for Estimating the Quality of an Advertising Campaign
S Drin, Y Reznichenko
Могилянський математичний журнал 5, 33-37, 2022
The nonlocal problem for fractal diffusion equation
Y Drin, I Drin, S Drin
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Статті 1–20