Iryna Sulym (I.Ya Sulim, I.Y. Sulym, I. Sulym, І.Я. Сулим )
Iryna Sulym (I.Ya Sulim, I.Y. Sulym, I. Sulym, І.Я. Сулим )
Université Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier (Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of NASU)
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Cited by
Cited by
Morphology and molecular dynamics investigation of PDMS adsorbed on titania nanoparticles: effects of polymer molecular weight
P Klonos, G Dapei, IY Sulym, S Zidropoulos, D Sternik, ...
European Polymer Journal 74, 64-80, 2016
Polydimethylsiloxane at the interfaces of fumed silica and zirconia/fumed silica
VM Gun’Ko, MV Borysenko, P Pissis, A Spanoudaki, N Shinyashiki, ...
Applied surface science 253 (17), 7143-7156, 2007
Morphology, crystallization and rigid amorphous fraction in PDMS adsorbed onto carbon nanotubes and graphite
P Klonos, IY Sulym, D Sternik, P Konstantinou, OV Goncharuk, ...
Polymer 139, 130-144, 2018
Interfacial phenomena in core–shell nanocomposites of PDMS adsorbed onto low specific surface area fumed silica nanooxides: effects of surface modification
P Klonos, IY Sulym, K Kyriakos, I Vangelidis, S Zidropoulos, D Sternik, ...
Polymer 68, 158-167, 2015
Interfacial interactions and complex segmental dynamics in systems based on silica-polydimethylsiloxane core–shell nanoparticles: Dielectric and thermal study
P Klonos, IY Sulym, MV Borysenko, VM Gun'ko, S Kripotou, A Kyritsis, ...
Polymer 58, 9-21, 2015
Influence of silica matrix morphology on characteristics of grafted nanozirconia
IY Sulim, MV Borysenko, OM Korduban, VM Gun’ko
Applied surface science 255 (17), 7818-7824, 2009
Structural and hydrophobic–hydrophilic properties of nanosilica/zirconia alone and with adsorbed PDMS
IY Sulym, MV Borysenko, OV Goncharuk, K Terpilowski, D Sternik, ...
Applied surface science 258 (1), 270-277, 2011
Novel electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted polymer combined with L-His-MWCNTs@ PDMS-5 nanocomposite for selective and sensitive assay of tetracycline
I Sulym, A Cetinkaya, M Yence, ME Corman, L Uzun, SA Ozkan
Electrochimica Acta 430, 141102, 2022
Silica-supported titania–zirconia nanocomposites: structural and morphological characteristics in different media
I Sulym, O Goncharuk, D Sternik, E Skwarek, A Derylo-Marczewska, ...
Nanoscale research letters 11, 1-9, 2016
Nanooxide/polymer composites with silica@ PDMS and ceria–zirconia–silica@ PDMS: Textural, morphological, and hydrophilic/hydrophobic features
I Sulym, O Goncharuk, D Sternik, K Terpilowski, A Derylo-Marczewska, ...
Nanoscale Research Letters 12, 1-10, 2017
Highly dispersed silica-supported ceria–zirconia nanocomposites: preparation and characterization
I Sulym, D Sternik, L Oleksenko, L Lutsenko, M Borysenko, ...
Surfaces and Interfaces 5, 8-14, 2016
Dielectric and thermal studies of segmental dynamics in silica/PDMS and silica/titania/PDMS nanocomposites
I Sulym, P Klonos, M Borysenko, P Pissis, VM Gun'ko
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131 (23), 2014
CVD-zirconia on fumed silica and silica gel
MV Borysenko, VM Gun’ko, AG Dyachenko, IY Sulim, R Leboda, ...
Applied surface science 242 (1-2), 1-12, 2005
Wettability of modified silica layers deposited on glass support activated by plasma
K Terpiłowski, D Rymuszka, OV Goncharuk, IY Sulym, VM Gun’ko
Applied Surface Science 353, 843-850, 2015
Morphological, structural and adsorption features of oxide composites with silica and titania matrices
VM Gun’ko, VM Bogatyrev, MV Borysenko, MV Galaburda, IY Sulim, ...
Applied Surface Science 256 (17), 5263-5269, 2010
Silica-supported ceria–zirconia and titania–zirconia nanocomposites: structural characteristics and electrosurface properties
I Sulym, O Goncharuk, E Skwarek, D Sternik, MV Borysenko, ...
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 482, 631-638, 2015
Structural characteristics of mixed oxides MOx/SiO2 affecting photocatalytic decomposition of methylene blue'[Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (2012) 6288-6296]
VM Gun'ko, JP Blitz, B Bandaranayake, EM Pakhlov, VI Zarko, IY Sulym, ...
Applied Surface Science 259, 861-861, 2012
Pristine and poly (Dimethylsiloxane) modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes as supports for lipase immobilization
I Sulym, J Zdarta, F Ciesielczyk, D Sternik, A Derylo-Marczewska, ...
Materials 14 (11), 2874, 2021
Particulate morphology of nanostructured materials
ВМ Гунько, ЕИ Оранская, ВВ Паентко, ИЯ Сулим
Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні 11 (3), 368-377, 2020
Interfacial behavior of water bound to zirconia/nanosilica with adsorbed poly (dimethylsiloxane)
VM Gun’ko, IY Sulym, MV Borysenko, VV Turov
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 426, 47-54, 2013
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Articles 1–20