Сергій Лавренко (S Lavrenko)
Сергій Лавренко (S Lavrenko)
Інші іменаLavrenko S.O.
доцент кафедри землеробства, Херсонський державний аграрно-економічний університет
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ksau.kherson.ua
Modern digitalization trends of Georgia and Ukraine
G Bedianashvili, H Zhosan, S Lavrenko
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2022
Low-cost smart farm irrigation systems in Kherson province: Feasibility study
O Bazaluk, V Havrysh, V Nitsenko, Y Mazur, S Lavrenko
Agronomy 12 (5), 1013, 2022
Variable tillage depth and chemical fertilization impact on irrigated common beans and soil physical properties
SO Lavrenko, NM Lavrenko, DO Maksymov, MV Maksymov, NO Didenko, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 212, 105024, 2021
Influence of tillage and mineral fertilizers on soil biological activity under sweet corn crops
PV Lykhovyd, SO Lavrenko
Ukrainian journal of ecology 7 (4), 18-24, 2017
The study on the relationship between normalized difference vegetation index and fractional green canopy cover in five selected crops
PV Lykhovyd, RA Vozhehova, SO Lavrenko, NM Lavrenko
The Scientific World Journal 2022 (1), 8479424, 2022
Effect of degree of salinity on seed germination and initial growth of chickpea (Cicer arietinum)
SO Lavrenko, NM Lavrenko, PV Lykhovyd
Biosystems Diversity 27 (2), 101-105, 2019
Artificial neural network use for sweet corn water consumption prediction depending on cultivation technology peculiarities
RA Vozhehova, PV Lykhovyd, SO Lavrenko, SV Kokovikhin, NM Lavrenko, ...
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2019
Effect of tillage and humidification conditions on desalination properties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
N Lavrenko, S Lavrenko, O Revto, P Lykhovyd
Journal of Ecological Engineering 19 (5), 70-75, 2018
Spring row crops productivity prediction using normalized difference vegetation index
R Vozhehova, M Maliarchuk, I Biliaieva, P Lykhovyd, A Maliarchuk, ...
Journal of Ecological Engineering 21 (6), 2020
Leaf area index of sweet corn (Zea mays ssp. saccharata L.) crops depending on cultivation technology in the drip-irrigated conditions of the south of Ukraine
P Lykhovyd, V Ushkarenko, S Lavrenko, N Lavrenko, O Zhuikov, ...
Modern Phytomorphology, 2019
Seed productivity of alfalfa varieties depending on the conditions of humidification and growth regulators in the southern steppe of Ukraine.
A Tyshchenko, O Tyshchenko, O Piliarska, I Biliaieva, H Kuts, P Lykhovyd, ...
Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) yields forecast using normalized difference vegetation index.
S Lavrenko, P Lykhovyd, N Lavrenko, V Ushkarenko, M Maksymov
Growth, development and productivity of Bromus inermis depending on the elements of growing technology in non-irradiated conditions
N Vasylenko, O Averchev, S Lavrenko, N Averchevа, N Lavrenko
AgroLife Scientific Journal 9 (2), 2020
Agro-environmental evaluation of irrigation water from different sources, together with drainage and escape water of rice irrigation systems, according to its impact on Maize …
P Lykhovyd, O Dementiieva, S Lavrenko, N Lavrenko
Journal of Ecological Engineering 20 (2), 2019
Effect of agrotechnological elements on milk thistle (Silynum marianum) productivity
RA Vozhehova, MI Fedorchuk, YO Lavrynenko, SV Kokovikhin, ...
Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems 9 (2), 156-160, 2018
The methods for determining agrolandscape typicality for projects of water supply construction
D Ladychuk, N Shaporynska, S Lavrenko, N Lavrenko
AgroLife Scientific Journal 10 (1), 2021
Наступність дошкільної та початкової освіти у вимірах сьогодення: здобутки та перспективи
СО Лавренко
ПУ «Причорноморський науково-дослідний інститут економіки та інновацій», 2019
Annual NDVI dynamics observed in industrial tomato grown in the south of Ukraine
P Lykhovyd, R Vozhehova, S Lavrenko
Modern Phytomorphology 16, 160-164, 2022
Artificial neural networks and their implementation in agricultural science and practice
RA Vozhehova, PV Lykhovyd, SV Kokovikhin, IM Biliaieva, OY Markovka, ...
The monograph.–Warsaw: Diamond trading tour, 2019
Методика оцінки енергетичної ефективності технологій вирощування сільськогосподарських культур: навчальний посібник
СО Лавренко
Херсон: РЦ «Колос, 6-4, 2013
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