Fizică, manual pentru clasa a 11-a M Marinciuc, S Rusu Chişinău, Univers Pedagogic, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Collective elementary excitations of two-dimensional magnetoexcitons in the bose-einstein condensation state with wave vector k= 0 S Moskalenko, M Liberman, E Dumanov, S Rusu, I Sanduleac Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences 9 (1), 16-37, 2010 | 9 | 2010 |
Optical Properties of Biexcitons in ZnSe/(Zn,Mn)Se Quantum Wells AI Bobrysheva, SS Russu Phys. Status Solidi B 159 (1), 155-164, 1990 | 9 | 1990 |
Dynamical behavior of Bose-condensed dipole-active phonons and internal Fröhlich photons in biological media N Ciobanu, S Rusu, VZ Tronciu 2015 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 1-4, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Mixed exciton–plasmon collective elementary excitations of the Bose–Einstein condensed two-dimensional magnetoexcitons with motional dipole moments SA Moskalenko, MA Liberman, DW Snoke, EV Dumanov, SS Rusu, ... Springer Nature Switzerland, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
True, quasi and unstable Nambu–Goldstone modes of the two-dimensional Bose–Einstein condensed magnetoexcitons SA Moskalenko, MA Liberman, DW Snoke, EV Dumanov, SS Rusu, ... Solid State Communications 155, 57–61, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Nambu-Goldstone modes of the two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensed magnetoexcitons SA Moskalenko, MA Liberman, DW Snoke, EV Dumanov, SS Rusu, ... The European Physical Journal B 85 (10), 359 - 374, 2012 | 7 | 2012 |
Quantum dots lasers dynamics under the influence of double cavity external feedback SS Rusu, T Oloinic, VZ Tronciu Optics communications 381, 140 – 145, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Bose-Einstein condensation of two-dimensional polaritons in microcavity under the influence of the Landau quantization and Rashba spin-orbit coupling V Moskalenko, I Podlesny, V Bajireanu Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences 13 (1-2), 61-97, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
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Nonlinear Optical Processes Due to Polaritons and Biexcitons in a Microcavity Enclosed Quantum Well AI Bobrysheva, MI Shmiglyuk, SS Russu Phys. Status Solidi B 212 (1), 105-113, 1999 | 5 | 1999 |
Bose-Einstein Condensation in the Two-Component Non-linear Exciton Gas SA Moskalenko, AI Bobrysheva, SS Russu, VV Baltaga, AV Lelyakov Journal of Physics C 18 (5), 989-1002, 1985 | 5 | 1985 |
Mixed exciton–plasmon collective elementary excitations of the Bose–Einstein condensed two-dimensional magnetoexcitons with motional dipole moments EV Dumanov, MA Liberman, SA Moskalenko, BV Novikov, SS Rusu Phys. Status Solidi B 250 (1), 115–127, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Fizică, manual pentru clasa a 10-a, Profil real. Profil umanist M Marinciuc, S Rusu Chişinău, Editura Ştiinţa, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Trusa de mecanică asistată de calculator A Rusu, C Pîrţac, S Rusu Revista Evrika, 2006 | 4 | 2006 |
Probleme de fizică A Rusu, S Rusu Chișinău, Editura UTM, 2004 | 4 | 2004 |
Biexciton optical Stark effect due to dynamical coupling of excitons and biexcitons AI Bobrysheva, MI Shmiglyuk, SS Russu Photonic Switching 1807, 79-88, 1993 | 4 | 1993 |
Light Absorption and Hyper-Raman Scattering by Many-Electron Complexes in Quantum Well Structures AI Bobrysheva, SS Russu, VA Zaloj Phys. Status Solidi B 146 (1), 329-334, 1988 | 4 | 1988 |
Биэкситонный оптический Штарк-эффект, обусловленный динамическим связыванием уровней экситона и биэкситона АИ Бобрышева, МИ Шмиглюк, CС Русcу, НТК Хыонг Физика Твердого Тела 34 (11), 3394-3402, 1992 | 3 | 1992 |
Тhe Biexciton Influence on Bose-Einstein Condensation of Orthoexcitons in Cu2O AI Bobrysheva, SA Moskalenko, SS Russu Phys. Status Solidi B 167 (2), 625-636, 1990 | 3* | 1990 |