Сергій Левіч (Sergii Levich)
Сергій Левіч (Sergii Levich)
Запорізький державний медичний університет (Zaporizhzhia State Medical University)
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Cited by
Research of antioxidant properties of theophyllinyl-7-acetic acid derivatives
K Aleksandrova, IF Belenichev, A Shkoda, S Levich, D Yurchenko, ...
Nigeria: Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Public …, 2014
Study of dependence of xanthine derivatives NO-scavenger properties from energy descriptors
VP Ryzhenko, OA Ryzhov, IF Belenichev, SV Levich
Biological Markers and Guided Therapy 5 (1), 37-46, 2018
Analysis of influence of quantum chemical descriptors on NO-scavenger properties among xanthine derivatives
OA Ryzhov, VP Ryzhenko, SV Levich, IF Belenichev
Bulgaria: Hikari Ltd, 2017
Research of energotropic properties of 3-benzylxanthine derivative-prospective neuroprotector
KV Aleksandrova, SV Levich, IF Belenichev, AS Shkoda
New xanthine derivative B-YR-2 as antioxidant modulator of post-stroke damage of sensorimotor cortex neurons in rats
IF Belenichev, KV Aleksandrova, SF Nosach, SV Levich, DM Yurchenko, ...
India: Tamilnadu State, 2014
Cerebroprotective activity of 3-benzylxanthine derivative–compound Ale-15, in conditions of bilateral common carotid arteries ligation (ischemic stroke)
SV Levich, K Aleksandrova, IF Belenichev, AS Shkoda
International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2 (6), 705-710, 2013
Synthesis and physical-chemical properties of 3-benzyl-8-propylxanthinyl-7-acetic acid and its derivatives
EK Mikhalchenko, KV Аleksandrova, SV Levich, DM Sinchenko
Zaporizhzhia state medical university, 2017
Influence of mexidol on early genomic response and morphofunctional parameters of the brain cortex sensorimotor zone neurons after arteria carotis communis occlusion
IS Chekman, IF Belenichev, IY Yakovleva, NA Gorchakova, ...
Синтез та фізико-хімічні властивості S-заміщених похідних 3-бензил-8-метил-7
CВ Левіч, ОС Шкода, КВ Александрова
Актуальні питання фармацевтичної і медичної науки та практики, ксантину-ксантину, 2013
Биохимические основы витаминологии
ЕВ Александрова, АС Шкода, ДН Юрченко, СВ Левич, ...
Запорожский государственный медицинский университет, 2015
Neuroprotective effect of citicoline and glucocorticoid combination under conditions of experimental demyelinating model of central nervus system
IF Belenichev, AA Nefodov, EA Nefodova, NV Bukhtiyarova, SV Levich, ...
Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences 5 (3), 131-136, 2018
8-Заміщені 3-бензилксантину як перспективні сполуки для пошуку біологічно активних речовин
ОС Шкода, СВ Левіч, КВ Александрова
Фармацевтичний часопис, 23-27, 2013
Биохимический состав и функции биологических жидкостей ротовой полости в норме и при различных патологических состояниях
ЕВ Александрова, ДН Синченко, ОБ Макоед, СВ Левич, ...
Запорожский государственный медицинский университет, 2017
Synthesis, transformations, and physicochemical properties of 3-(4′-Methylphenyl)-8-methylxanthine derivatives
EV Aleksandrova, SV Levich, NI Romanenko, AS Shkoda, ...
Chemistry of natural compounds 49 (6), 1105-1109, 2014
Vyvchennia protymikrobnyh ta protyhrybkovykh vlastyvostei 7-zamishchenykh 3-benzyl-8-propilksantyniv [The study of antimicrobial and antifungal properties of 7–substituted of 3 …
KV Aleksandrova, YK Mykhalchenko, SV Levich
Medychnyi forum 10 (10), 9-12, 2017
Pharmacological Modulation of Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70)—Dependent Mechanisms of Endogenous Neuroprotection in Conditions of Prenatal Chronic Alcoholism by Cerebrocurin and …
IF Belenichev, EP Sokolik, NV Bukhtiarova, SV Levich
Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni-Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 26 …, 2016
Targeted search of substances among a number of 3-aryl (aralkyl) xantine derivatives having antiradical activity with regard to superoxide radicals
VP Ryizhenko, AA Ryizhov, SV Levich, IF Belenichev, EV Aleksandrova
Med. Informatika ta Inzheneriya 1, 109, 2016
metyltioatsetaty: antyoksydantna diia v umovakh modelovanoho nitrozuiuchoho stresu in vitro [(3-Benzylxanthinyl-8) methylthioacetates: antioxidant action in conditions of model …
KV Aleksandrova, IF Belenichev, NV Bukhtiiarova, OS Shkoda, SV Levich
Zaporozhskij medicinskij zhurnal 13 (5), 137-139, 2011
Synthesis and physical-chemical properties of 3-aryl-(aralkyl)-8-hydrazinemethylxanthines and their N-substituted derivatives
KV Aleksandrova, SV Levich, YK Mykhal’chenko, DM Sinchenko
Актуальні питання фармацевтичної і медичної науки та практики, 26-31, 2016
Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of mitochondrial dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats on the background of carvedilol and thiotriazoline usage
EA Nahorna, IS Chekman, IF Belenichev, YM Kolesnik, AV Abramov, ...
Hikari Ltd, 2016
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Articles 1–20