Vysochanskii Yu.M., Височанський Ю.М.
Vysochanskii Yu.M., Височанський Ю.М.
Prof., Uzhhorod National University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uzhnu.edu.ua - Домашня сторінка
CuInP2S6 Room Temperature Layered Ferroelectric
A Belianinov, Q He, A Dziaugys, P Maksymovych, E Eliseev, A Borisevich, ...
Nano letters 15 (6), 3808-3814, 2015
Raman spectroscopy study of the ferrielectric-paraelectric transition in layered
YM Vysochanskii, VA Stephanovich, AA Molnar, VB Cajipe, X Bourdon
Physical Review B 58 (14), 9119, 1998
Electro-optical properties of Sn2P2S6
D Haertle, G Caimi, A Haldi, G Montemezzani, P Günter, AA Grabar, ...
Optics Communications 215 (4-6), 333-343, 2003
Phase Transitions in Ferroelectric Phosophorous Chalcogenide Crystals
YM Vysochanskii, T Janssen, R Currat, R Folk, J Banys, J Grigas, ...
Vilnius University Publishing House, 2008
Lifshitz point on the state diagram of ferroelectrics
YM Vysochanskiĭ, VY Slivka
Soviet Physics Uspekhi 35 (2), 123, 1992
Dielectric and ultrasonic investigation of phase transition in cuinp2s6 crystals
J Banys, J Macutkevic, V Samulionis, A Brilingas, Y Vysochanskii
Phase Transitions 77 (4), 345-358, 2004
Enhanced photorefractive properties of modified Sn2P2S6
AA Grabar, IV Kedyk, MI Gurzan, IM Stoika, AA Molnar, YM Vysochanskii
Optics communications 188 (1-4), 187-194, 2001
Ferroelectricity, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Relaxation Effects in Monoclinic
KZ Rushchanskii, YM Vysochanskii, D Strauch
Physical review letters 99 (20), 207601, 2007
Tailoring of infrared photorefractive properties of Sn2P2S6 crystals by Te and Sb doping
T Bach, M Jazbinšek, G Montemezzani, P Günter, AA Grabar, ...
JOSA B 24 (7), 1535-1541, 2007
Disordering effect on optical absorption processes in CuInP2S6 layered ferrielectrics
IP Studenyak, VV Mitrovcij, GS Kovacs, MI Gurzan, OA Mykajlo, ...
physica status solidi (b) 236 (3), 678-686, 2003
Tricritical Lifshitz point on the phase diagram of Sn2P2 (SexS1-x) 6 ferroelectrics
YM Vysochanskii, MM Mayor, VM Rizak, VY Slivka, MM Khoma
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz 95, 1355-1365, 1989
Piezoelectric domain walls in van der Waals antiferroelectric CuInP2Se6
A Dziaugys, K Kelley, JA Brehm, L Tao, A Puretzky, T Feng, A O’Hara, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3623, 2020
Photovoltaic effect of Sn2P2S6 ferroelectric crystal and ceramics
YW Cho, SK Choi, YM Vysochanskii
Journal of Materials Research 16, 3317-3322, 2001
Fast near-infrared self-pumped phase conjugation with photorefractive Sn 2 P 2 S 6
M Jazbinšek, G Montemezzani, P Günter, AA Grabar, IM Stoika, ...
JOSA B 20 (6), 1241-1246, 2003
Soft modes and phonon interactions in studied by neutron scattering
SWH Eijt, R Currat, JE Lorenzo, P Saint-Gregoire, B Hennion, ...
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 5 (2 …, 1998
Soft modes and phonon interactions in studied by means of neutron scattering
SWH Eijt, R Currat, JE Lorenzo, P Saint-Gregoire, S Katano, T Janssen, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (22), 4811, 1998
Electronic Structure and Phase Transition in Ferroelectic Sn2P2S6 Crystal
K Glukhov, K Fedyo, J Banys, Y Vysochanskii
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13 (11), 14356-14384, 2012
Photorefractive Effects in Sn2P2S6
AA Grabar, M Jazbinšek, AN Shumelyuk, YM Vysochanskii, ...
Photorefractive Materials and Their Applications 2: Materials, 327-362, 2007
Electronic structure of
K Kuepper, B Schneider, V Caciuc, M Neumann, AV Postnikov, ...
Physical Review B 67 (11), 115101, 2003
Asymmetric phase diagram of mixed crystals
J Macutkevic, J Banys, R Grigalaitis, Y Vysochanskii
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (6), 064101, 2008
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