SA Firstov, СА Фирстов, SO Firstov, СО Фірстов
SA Firstov, СА Фирстов, SO Firstov, СО Фірстов
I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences of
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене ipms.kiev.ua
Physical Fundamentals of the Strength of Refractory Metals
VI Trefilov, YV Mil'man, SA Firstov
Nuakova Dumka, Ukraine, 1975
The shape of WC crystals in cemented carbides
AV Shatov, SA Firstov, IV Shatova
Materials Science and Engineering: A 242 (1-2), 7-14, 1998
Hardening and mechanical properties of as-cast high-entropy alloys
SA Firstov, VF Gorban, NA Krapivka, EP Pechkovsky
Composites and Nanostures 2, 5-20, 2011
High-entropy alloys: Interrelations between electron concentration, phase composition, lattice parameter, and properties
VF Gorban’, NA Krapivka, SA Firstov
Physics of Metals and Metallography 118, 970-981, 2017
Новый класс материалов–высокоэнтропийные сплавы и покрытия
СА Фирстов, ВФ Горбань, НА Крапивка, ЭП Печковский
Вестник российских университетов. Математика 18 (4-2), 1938-1940, 2013
Thermal stability of superhard nitride coatings from high-entropy multicomponent Ti–V–Zr–Nb–Hf alloy
SA Firstov, VF Gorban’, NI Danilenko, MV Karpets, AA Andreev, ...
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 52, 560-566, 2014
Solid-solution hardening of a high-Entropy AlTiVCrNbMo alloy
SA Firstov, TG Rogul’, NA Krapivka, SS Ponomarev, VN Tkach, ...
Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 2014, 285-292, 2014
Fracture of WC–Ni cemented carbides with different shape of WC crystals
AV Shatov, SS Ponomarev, SA Firstov
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 26 (2), 68-76, 2008
Indentation equation
SA Firstov, G VF, ÉP Pechkovskii, NA Mameka
Dop. NAN Ukrainy 12, 100-106, 2007
Fracture and strength of hardmetals at room temperature
AV Shatov, SS Ponomarev, SA Firstov
Comprehensive hard materials, 301-343, 2014
Связь прочностных характеристик материалов с показателями автоматического индентирования
СА Фирстов, ВФ Горбань, ЭП Печковский, НА Мамека
Материаловедение, 26-31, 2007
Cooperative deformation processes and localization of deformation
VA Likhachev, VE Panin, EE Zasimchuk
Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1989
Механические свойства литых многокомпонентных сплавов при высоких температурах
СА Фирстов, ВФ Горбань, НА Крапивка, ЭП Печковский, НИ Даниленко, ...
Современные проблемы физического материаловедения, 2009
Titanium matrix composites
VI Mazur, YN Taran, SV Kapustnikova, VI Trefilov, SA Firstov, LD Kulak
US Patent 5,366,570, 1994
Superhard coatings from high-entropy alloys
SA Firstov, G VF, AO Andreev, NA Krapivka
Science and innovation 9 (5), 32-39, 2013
Titanium ‘cast irons’ and titanium ‘steels’
SA Firstov, SV Tkachenko, NN Kuz’Menko
Metalloved. Term. Obrab. Met, 14-20, 2009
Effect of boron on the structure and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al and Ti–6Al–4V
OO Bilous, LV Artyukh, AA Bondar, TY Velikanova, MP Burka, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 402 (1-2), 76-83, 2005
Metallic materials with high structural efficiency
ON Senkov, DB Miracle, SA Firstov
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
TG Rogul’,“Theoretical (Ultimate) Hardness,”
SA Firstov
Reports of the NAS of Ukraine, 110-114, 2007
Modeling the effect of flatter shape of WC crystals on the hardness of WC-Ni cemented carbides
AV Shatov, SS Ponomarev, SA Firstov
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 27 (2), 198-212, 2009
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