Jan Kalivoda
Jan Kalivoda
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Testing of railway vehicles using roller rigs
S Myamlin, J Kalivoda, L Neduzha
Procedia Engineering 187, 688-695, 2017
Enhancing the scientific level of engineering training of railway transport professionals
J Kalivoda, LO Neduzha
Наука и прогресс транспорта. Вестник Днепропетровского национального …, 2017
Parameter optimization of the locomotive running gear
I Klimenko, L Neduzha, J Kalivoda
Transport Means, 1095-1098, 2018
Research of locomotive mechanics behavior
VA Tatarinova, J Kalivoda, LO Neduzha
Наука и прогресс транспорта. Вестник Днепропетровского национального …, 2018
High speed stability of a railway vehicle equipped with independently rotating wheels
OA Kyryl’chuk, J Kalivoda, LO Neduzha
Ústav Teoretické a Aplikované Mechaniky, Prosecká, Czech Republic, 2018
Influence of parameters of electric locomotive on its critical speed
I Klimenko, J Kalivoda, L Neduzha
International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology …, 2019
Simulation of Safety Against Derailment Tests of an Electric Locomotive
J Kalivoda, L Neduzha
Proc. of 25th Intern. Conf.«Еngineering Mechanics 2019, 177-180, 2019
Mechatronic bogie for roller rig tests
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
Proc. of the 24th Symposium of the Intern. Association for Vehicle System …, 2015
Досвід експериментальних досліджень рухомого складу з використанням стендового обладнання
Я Калівода, ЛО Недужа
ТОВ «Рухомий склад», Харків, 2017
Finite-element analysis of strengthening the subgrade on the basis of boring and mixing technology
O Tiutkin, L Neduzha, M Kalivoda
Transport Problems 16 (2), 2021
Застосування програмних комплексів при дослідженні стану транспортних засобів
ВА Татарінова, Я Калівода, ЛО Недужа
ТОВ" Арована Інвест", Дніпро, 2018
Running dynamics of rail vehicles
J Kalivoda, L Neduzha
Energies 15 (16), 5843, 2022
Assessment of active wheelset steering system using computer simulations and roller rig tests
J Kalivoda, P Bauer, Z Novák
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11727, 2021
Scaled roller rig experiments with a mechatronic bogie
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
Proceedings of the Second Intern. Conf. on Railway Technology: Research …, 2014
Roller Rig Implementation of Active Wheelset Steering
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology …, 2012
Roller rig testing at the Czech technical university
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
Наука и прогресс транспорта. Вестник Днепропетровского национального …, 2016
Curving Behaviour of 2-Axle Bogie with Independently Rotating Wheels–Simulations and Scaled Roller Rig Tests
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
23rd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks …, 2013
Scaled roller rig to assess the influence of active wheelset steering on wheel-rail contact forces
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
The IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and …, 2019
Neural network approach to railway stand lateral skew control
PM Benes, I Bukovsky, M Cejnek, J Kalivoda
arXiv preprint arXiv:1402.7136, 2014
Railway bogie with active wheelset guidance-computer simulations and roller rig tests
J Kalivoda, P Bauer
Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads …, 2011
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