Ігор Полюжин; Ihor Polyuzhyn; Ihor Poliuzhyn; IP Polyuzhin; I Polyugyn
Ігор Полюжин; Ihor Polyuzhyn; Ihor Poliuzhyn; IP Polyuzhin; I Polyugyn
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене lpnu.ua
Methods of salt content stabilization in circulating water supply systems
V Shmandiy, L Bezdeneznych, O Kharlamova, A Svjatenko, M Malovanyy, ...
Chemistry & Chemical Technology, 242-246, 2017
Obtaining and use adhesive promoters to bitumen from the phenolic fraction of coal tar
S Pyshyev, Y Demchuk, I Poliuzhyn, V Kochubei
International journal of adhesion and adhesives 118, 103191, 2022
Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of regulation of aeration depending on the quantitative characteristics of treated sewage water
M Malovanyy, V Shandrovych, A Malovanyy, I Polyuzhyn
Journal of Chemistry 2016 (1), 6874806, 2016
Optimization of synthesis conditions of 2,3-dimethylbutadiene
IS Polevaya, MD Fedevich, IP Polyuzhin, OI Marshalok
Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 84 (2), 261-265, 2011
Factors controlling sulfur dioxide solubilities in organic solvents
RG Makitra, SD Kal'muk, DV Bryk, IP Polyuzhin
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 55 (8), 1322 - 1329, 2010
Effect of Solvation on the Decomposition Rate of Azodiisobutyronitrile
RG Makitra, IP Polyuzhin, IP Golovata
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 75 (2), 196-200, 2005
Application of Vacuum Distillation for the Used Mineral Oils Recycling
B Korchak, O Hrynyshyn, T Chervinskyy, I Polyuzhin
Chemistry & Chemical Technology 12 (3), 365–371, 2018
Kinetics of allyl-1, 3, 4-trimethylcyclo-hex-3-encarboxylate obtaining
I Polyova, G Marshalok, J Yatchyshyn, I Polyuzhin
Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2012
Phase vapor–liquid equilibrium for the solutions of dimethylzinc and dimethyl selenide
SI Gerasymchuk, IP Poliuzhyn, HV Melnyk, YP Pavlovskyi, VV Sergeyev
Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances (Вісник Національного …, 2019
Synthesis and properties of oligomers with hydroxy end-groups
O Ivashkiv, J Namiesnik, O Shyshchak, I Polyuzhyn, M Bratychak
Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016
Окисно-відновний потенціал мінеральних вод трускавецького та східницького родовищ
ОР Дацько, Б АБ, ІП Полюжин
Медична гідрологія та реабілітація (Medical Hydrology and Rehabilitation) 9 …, 2011
Влияние сольватации на скорость распада азобисизобутиронитрила
РГ Макитра, ИП Полюжин, ИП Головата
Журнал общей химии 75 (2), 196-200, 2005
YN Pirig, IP Polyuzhin, RG Makitra
Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 66 (4), 691-695, 1994
Study on the composition of gasoline fractions obtained as a result of waste tires pyrolysis and production bitumen modifiers from it
S Pyshyev, Y Lypko, B Korchak, I Poliuzhyn, Z Hubrii, I Pochapska, ...
Journal of the Energy Institute 114, 101598, 2024
RP-HPLC with detection by means of ESI-MS and UV for identification of chromatographic peaks of some hydroxy derivatives of epoxy resin
O Ivashkiv, P Kubica, I Polyuzhyn, J Namiesnik, O Shyshchak, ...
Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2016
Determination of residual monomers in Alpha-Alkylacrylates Dispersions with Packing GLC
OI Marshalok, VA Voloshinets, IP Polyuzhyn
Polish Journal of Chemistry 82 (1-2), 425-430, 2008
Gas Chromatography analysis of Separation of Reaction Mixtures from Cycloaddition Reaction of Alpha-Ethylacroleine and Ethyl Ester Alpha-Ethylacrylic Acid
NM Karpyak, IP Polyuzhyn, GO Marshalok, YY Yatchyshyn
Polish Journal of Chemistry 82 (1-2), 397-402, 2008
Generalization of Data on Chromatographic Specific Retention Volumes of Organic Substances on Ester Phases Using Linear Multiparameter Equations
VI Rogovik, RG Makitra, IP Polyuzhin, EA Pal’chikova
Journal of Analytical Chemistry 61 (12), 1187–1193, 2006
Evaporation Thermodynamics for Solutions of Dimethylzinc and Dimethyltelluride
SI Gerasymchuk, IP Poliuzhyn, LP Oliynyk, TB Hnativ
Chem. Technol. Appl. Substan 5, 37-46, 2022
Potentiometric Determination of the Antioxidant Activity of Medicinal Plants
H Kovalchuk, O Lupak, H Klepach, I Polyuzhyn
Periodyk naukowy Akademii Polonijnej (PNAP) www.pnap.ap.edu.pl, nuife.org …, 2019
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