Vibrational properties of LaPO4 nanoparticles in mid-and far-infrared domain P Savchyn, I Karbovnyk, V Vistovskyy, A Voloshinovskii, V Pankratov, ... Journal of Applied Physics 112 (12), 2012 | 80 | 2012 |
Cathodoluminescence characterization of polystyrene-BaZrO3 hybrid composites VP Savchyn, AI Popov, OI Aksimentyeva, H Klym, YY Horbenko, V Serga, ... Low Temperature Physics 42 (7), 597-600, 2016 | 61 | 2016 |
Effect of radiation on the electrical properties of PEDOT-based nanocomposites I Karbovnyk, I Olenych, O Aksimentyeva, H Klym, O Dzendzelyuk, ... Nanoscale research letters 11, 1-5, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy Insight on Free Volume Conversion of Nanostructured MgAl2O4 Ceramics H Klym, I Karbovnyk, S Piskunov, AI Popov Nanomaterials 11 (12), 3373, 2021 | 47 | 2021 |
Luminescence, vibrational and XANES studies of AlN nanomaterials S Bellucci, AI Popov, C Balasubramanian, G Cinque, A Marcelli, ... Radiation measurements 42 (4-5), 708-711, 2007 | 47 | 2007 |
Random nanostructured metallic films for environmental monitoring and optical sensing: experimental and computational studies I Karbovnyk, J Collins, I Bolesta, A Stelmashchuk, A Kolkevych, ... Nanoscale research letters 10, 1-5, 2015 | 46 | 2015 |
Silicon carbide nanowires: Synthesis and cathodoluminescence A Huczko, A Dąbrowska, V Savchyn, AI Popov, I Karbovnyk physica status solidi (b) 246 (11‐12), 2806-2808, 2009 | 41 | 2009 |
Water-Vapor Sorption Processes in Nanoporous MgO-Al2O3 Ceramics: the PAL Spectroscopy Study H Klym, A Ingram, O Shpotyuk, I Hadzaman, V Solntsev Nanoscale research letters 11, 1-7, 2016 | 39 | 2016 |
Influence of CsCl addition on the nanostructured voids and optical properties of 80GeS2-20Ga2S3 glasses H Klym, A Ingram, O Shpotyuk, I Karbovnyk Optical Materials 59, 39-42, 2016 | 35 | 2016 |
Nonlinear optical properties of silver nanoparticles prepared in Ag doped borate glasses VT Adamiv, IM Bolesta, YV Burak, RV Gamernyk, ID Karbovnyk, II Kolych, ... Physica B: Condensed Matter 449, 31-35, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Studies of CdI2-Bi3 microstructures with optical methods, atomic force microscopy and positron annihilation spectroscopy I Karbovnyk, I Bolesta, I Rovetskii, S Velgosh, H Klym Materials Science-Poland 32, 391-395, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Cadmium clusters in CdI2 layered crystals: The influence on the optical properties S Bellucci, I Bolesta, MC Guidi, I Karbovnyk, V Lesivciv, F Micciulla, ... Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (39), 395015, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
New interference technique for determination of low loss material permittivity in the extremely high frequency range NA Andrushchak, ID Karbovnyk, K Godziszewski, Y Yashchyshyn, ... IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 64 (11), 3005-3012, 2015 | 28 | 2015 |
Modification of the optical spectra of mixed K2Co x Ni1–x (SO4)2⋅6H2O crystals II Polovinko, SV Rykhlyuk, VB Koman, ID Karbovnyk Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 76, 116-120, 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Impedance characterization of Cr3+, Y3+ and Zr4+ activated forsterite nanoceramics synthesized by sol–gel method I Karbovnyk, I Borshchyshyn, Y Vakhula, I Lutsyuk, H Klym, I Bolesta Ceramics International 42 (7), 8501-8504, 2016 | 25 | 2016 |
CsPbCl3 nanocrystals dispersed in the Rb0, 8Cs0, 2Cl matrix studied by far-infrared spectroscopy A Voloshynovskii, P Savchyn, I Karbovnyk, S Myagkota, MC Guidi, ... Solid State Communications 149 (15-16), 593-597, 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
A new method of growing K2CoxNi1− x (SO4) 2* 6H2O (x= 0; 0.4; 0.8; 1) mixed crystals and their spectral investigation I Polovynko, S Rykhlyuk, I Karbovnyk, V Koman, M Piccinini, MC Guidi Journal of Crystal Growth 311 (23-24), 4704-4707, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Evolution of Free Volumes in Polycrystalline BaGa2O4 Ceramics Doped with Eu3+ Ions H Klym, I Karbovnyk, A Luchechko, Y Kostiv, V Pankratova, AI Popov Crystals 11 (12), 1515, 2021 | 21 | 2021 |
Interferometry technique for refractive index measurements at subcentimeter wavelengths NA Andrushchak, OI Syrotynsky, ID Karbovnyk, YV Bobitskii, ... Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 53 (5), 1193-1196, 2011 | 21 | 2011 |
Microstructure of Ag2BI4 (B= Ag, Cd) superionics studied by SEM, impedance spectroscopy and fractal dimensionanalysis S Bellucci, I Bolesta, I Karbovnyk, R Hrytskiv, G Fafilek, AI Popov Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (47), 474211, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |