Strength of Alloys in Cryogenic Engineering under Electromagnetic Action VA Strizhalo, LS Novogrudskii, EV Vorob'Ev Naukova Dumka, 1990 | 43* | 1990 |
Прочность материалов при криогенных температурах с учетом воздействия электроr магнитных полей В.А. Стрижало, Л.С. Новогрудский, Е.В. Воробьев Институт проблем прочности им. Г.С.Писаренко НАН Украины, 2008 | 35* | 2008 |
Прочность материалов и конструкций ВТ Трощенко, РИ Куриат, АА Лебедев Киев: Академпериодика, 1086, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Numerical analysis of the deformation instability of metals in liquid helium ЕV Vorob’ev, TV Anpilogova Computational materials science 68, 66-72, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Low-temperature intermittent yield of hardenable materials VA Strizhalo, EV Vorob'Ev Strength of Materials 26 (10), 713-717, 1994 | 12* | 1994 |
Kinetics of low-temperature discontinuous deformation of metals EV Vorob’ev, TV Anpilogova Cryogenics 68, 59-66, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
On the effect of loading system rigidity on strain resistance and the fracture of alloy specimens on deep cooling EV Vorob'Ev Strength of materials 33, 62-65, 2001 | 11 | 2001 |
Simulation of low-temperature discontinuous yield by the method of additional pulse loading VA Strizhalo, EV Vorob’ev Strength of materials 29 (3), 269-274, 1997 | 11* | 1997 |
Low-temperature discontinuous yield of the structural alloys VA Strizhalo, EV Vorob'Ev Проблемы прочности, 37-46, 1993 | 11* | 1993 |
Development of low-temperature jumpwise deformation of metals and possibilities of its elimination EV Vorob’ev, VA Strizhalo Strength of materials 31 (1), 28-37, 1999 | 10* | 1999 |
Mechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics at cryogenic temperatures EV Vorob’ov, MP Zemtsov, LS Novogruds’ kyi, VO Stryzhalo, OM Potapov, ... Strength of Materials 53, 241-246, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Low-temperature interrupted yield of structural alloys VA Strizhalo, EV Vorob'ev Strength of materials 25 (8), 576-583, 1993 | 8 | 1993 |
Чувствительность аустенитных сталей к концентрации напряжений в условиях глубокого охлаждения и высокоэнергетических импульсных воздействий ЕВ Воробьев Проблемы прочности., 89, 1991 | 8 | 1991 |
Effect of a temperature on the mechanical characteristics of ULTEM 9085 thermoplastic produced by additive technology YM Volkov, EV Vorob’Ev, AV Drozdov, MP Zemtsov, LS Novogrudskii, ... Strength of Materials 52, 414-418, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Fatigue resistance of 2219 aluminum alloy and its welded joints LE Matokhnyuk, AV Byalonovich, EE Gopkalo, EV Vorob’ev, DP Karaush, ... Strength of Materials 51, 860-867, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Peculiarities of neck formation under low-temperature discontinuous yield of metals. Part 2. Plane strain EV Vorob’ev Strength of materials 40, 439-444, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Standardization of the strength of metals under conditions of low-temperature instability of plastic deformation and the action of strong magnetic fields EV Vorob'Ev, VA Strizhalo Strength of Materials 31 (5), 459-466, 1999 | 7 | 1999 |
Effect of predeformation on intermittent yield in materials at 4.2 K VA Strizhalo, EV Vorob'Ev, LS Novogrudskii Probl. Prochn 8, 12-20, 1995 | 7* | 1995 |
Effect of deformation rate on the strength and deformability of alloys at 4.2 K EV Vorob'ev Strength of materials 32, 549-554, 2000 | 6* | 2000 |
Modeling of the process of low-temperature jumplike deformation of metals EV Vorob’ev, TV Anpilogova Strength of materials 43, 77-86, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |