Mykhailo Petlovanyi, Михайло Петльований
Mykhailo Petlovanyi, Михайло Петльований
Other namesPetlovanyi М, Mykhailo V Petlovanyi, Petlovanyi Mykhailo Volodymyrovych
Dnipro University of Technology / Національний технічний університет "Дніпровська політехніка"
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Cited by
Review of man-made mineral formations accumulation and prospects of their developing in mining industrial regions in Ukraine
M Petlovanyi, O Kuzmenko, V Lozynskyi, V Popovych, K Sai, P Saik
Mining Of Mineral Deposits 13 (1), 24-38, 2019
Analytical research of the stress-deformed state in the rock massif around faulting
V Lozynskyi, P Saik, M Petlovanyi, K Sai, Y Malanchuk
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 35, 77-88, 2018
Modeling of the disjunctive geological fault influence on the exploitation wells stability during underground coal gasification
RO Dychkovskyi, VH Lozynskyi, PB Saik, MV Petlovanyi, YZ Malanchuk, ...
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 18, 1183-1197, 2018
Modern experience of low-coal seams underground mining in Ukraine
MV Petlovanyi, VH Lozynskyi, PB Saik, KS Sai
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2018
The influence of geology and ore deposit occurrence conditions on dilution indicators of extracted reserves
M Petlovanyi, V Lozynskyi, S Zubko, P Saik, K Sai
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 34 (1), 84-91, 2019
The influence of fine particles of binding materials on the strength properties of hardening backfill
O Kuz’menko, M Petlyovanyy, M Stupnik
Mining of Mineral Deposit, 45-48, 2013
Innovative approach to the integrated use of energy resources of underground coal gasification
P Saik, M Petlovanyi, V Lozynskyi, K Sai, A Merzlikin
Solid State Phenomena, 221–231, 2018
Research into impact of leaving waste rocks in the mined-out space on the geomechanical state of the rock mass surrounding the longwall face
A Smoliński, D Malashkevych, M Petlovanyi, K Rysbekov, V Lozynskyi, ...
Energies 15 (24), 9522, 2022
Sustainable underground iron ore mining in Ukraine with backfilling worked-out area
O Bazaluk, M Petlovanyi, V Lozynskyi, S Zubko, K Sai, P Saik
Sustainability 13 (2), 834, 2021
Innovative aspects of underground coal gasification technology in mine conditions
V Falshtynskyi, P Saik, V Lozynskyi, R Dychkovskyi, M Petlovanyi
Mining of Mineral Deposits 12 (2), 68-75, 2018
Physicochemical mechanism of structure formation and strengthening in the backfill massif when filling underground cavities
MV Petlovanyi, SA Zubko, VV Popovych, KS Sai
Voprosy Khimii i Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii, 142-150, 2020
Influence of man-made edaphotopes of the spoil heap on biota
V Popovych, O Kuzmenko, A Voloshchyshyn, M Petlovanyi
E3S Web of Conferences 60, 00010, 2018
Assessment of coal mine waste dumps development priority
MV Petlovanyi, VY Medianyk
Naukovyi Visnyk NHU, 28–35, 2018
Substantiation into mass and heat balance for underground coal gasification in faulting zones
V Lozynskyi, P Saik, M Petlovanyi, K Sai, Z Malanchuk, Y Malanchuk
Inżynieria Mineralna 20 (2), 289-300, 2018
Research of thermodynamic conditions for gas hydrates formation from methane in the coal mines
K Sai, Z Malanchuk, M Petlovanyi, P Saik, V Lozynskyi
Solid State Phenomena 291, 155-172, 2019
Influence of configuration chambers on the formation of stress in multi-modulus mass
M Petlovanyi
Mining of Mineral Deposits 10 (2), 48-54, 2016
Analytical modeling of the backfill massif deformations around the chamber with mining depth increase
O Khomenko, M Kononenko, M Petlovanyi
New Developments in Mining Engineering: Theoretical and Practical Solutions …, 2015
Application of fine-grained binding materials in technology of hardening backfill construction
A Kuzmenko, M Petlyovanyy, A Heylo
Progressive technologies of coal, coalbed methane, and ores mining, 465 - 469, 2014
Research into balance of rocks and underground cavities formation in the coal mine flowsheet when mining thin seams
M Petlovanyi, D Malashkevych, K Sai, S Zubko
Mining of Mineral deposits 14 (4), 66-81, 2020
Influence of waste rock dump placement on the geomechanical state of underground mine workings
M Petlovanyi, K Sai, D Malashkevych, V Popovych, A Khorolskyi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1156, 012007, 2023
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Articles 1–20