Сергій Лєонов (S. Lyeonov, S.Lieonov, S.Leonov)
Assessment of green investments’ impact on sustainable development: Linking gross domestic product per capita, greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy
S Lyeonov, T Pimonenko, Y Bilan, D Štreimikienė, G Mentel
Energies 12 (20), 3891, 2019
Економіка підприємства
ЛГ Мельник, ОІ Карінцева, ОВ Кубатко, СА Петровська, ОС Романко, ...
Університетська книга, 2012
The influence of industry 4.0 on financial services: Determinants of alternative finance development
Y Bilan, P Rubanov, TA Vasylieva, S Lyeonov
Polish Journal of Management Studies, 2019
Macroeconomic stability and its impact on the economic growth of the country
TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov, OV Liulov, KI Kyrychenko
NGO" Economic Laboratory for Transition Research"(ELIT) Podgorica, 2018
Sustainability information disclosure as an instrument of marketing communication with stakeholders: markets, social and economic aspects
TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov, IO Makarenko, N Sirkovska
СумДУ, 2017
Brand management and macroeconomic stability of the country
YV Bilan, SV Lieonov, OV Liulov, TV Pimonenko
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling UW, 2019
Methodology for assessing the risk associated with information and knowledge loss management
H Yarovenko, Y Bilan, S Lyeonov, G Mentel
Journal of business economics and management 22 (2), 369-387, 2021
Маркетинг банківських інновацій
СМ Козьменко, ТА Васильєва, СВ Лєонов
ТОВ «ВТД «Університетська книга», 2011
Prototyping of information system for monitoring banking transactions related to money laundering
S Leonov, H Yarovenko, A Boiko, T Dotsenko
SHS web of conferences 65, 04013, 2019
Trust crisis in the financial sector and macroeconomic stability: A structural equation modelling approach
M Brychko, Y Bilan, S Lyeonov, G Mentel
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 34 (1), 828-855, 2021
Нові вектори розвитку страхового ринку України
ОВ Козьменко, СМ Козьменко, ТА Васильєва, ІО Школьник, ...
Macroeconomic stability evaluation in countries of lower-middle income economies
SV Lyeonov, TA Vasylieva, OV Lyulyov
Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету, 138-146, 2018
Shadow Economy and its Impact on Demand at the Investment Market of the Country
Y Bilan, TA Vasylieva, SV Lieonov, IV Tiutiunyk
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 2019
Institutional complementarity for social and economic development
Y Bilan, T Vasilyeva, S Lyeonov, K Bagmet
Business: theory and practice, 2019
Інвестиційний потенціал банківської системи України
СВ Лєонов
Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України, 2009
Environmental, energy and economic security: Assessment and interaction
Y Samusevych, A Vysochyna, T Vasylieva, S Lyeonov, S Pokhylko
E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00012, 2021
Green investing for SDGS: EU experience for developing countries
TV Pimonenko, SV Lieonov, Z Ibragimov
Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 2019
Environmental management and green brand for sustainable entrepreneurship
L Starchenko, S Lyeonov, T Vasylieva, T Pimonenko, O Lyulyov
E3S Web of Conferences 234, 00015, 2021
The impact of environmental determinants of sustainable agriculture on country food security
Y Bilan, S Lyeonov, N Stoyanets, A Vysochyna
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 21 (5-6 …, 2018
Риск-менеджмент инноваций
ТА Васильева, АА Епифанов, СМ Козьменко, ОВ Козьменко, ...
Деловые перспективы, 2005
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