Volodymyr Kukhar (В.В. Кухар, В.В. Кухарь, V. Kukhar, V.V. Kukhar, Volodymyr V. Kukhar)
Volodymyr Kukhar (В.В. Кухар, В.В. Кухарь, V. Kukhar, V.V. Kukhar, Volodymyr V. Kukhar)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mipolytech.education - Домашня сторінка
The development of the method for the calculation of the shaping force in the production of vehicle wheel rims
R Puzyr, A Maslov, V Kukhar, Y Shchipkovskyi
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 7 (4.3 Special …, 2018
Shape indexes for dieless forming of the elongated forgings with sharpened end by tensile drawing with rupture
VV Kukhar, AV Grushko, IV Vishtak
Solid State Phenomena 284, 408-415, 2018
Improvement of the method for calculating the metal temperature loss on a Coilbox unit at the rolling on hot strip mills
V Kukhar, O Kurpe, E Klimov, E Balalayeva, V Dragobetskii
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 7 (4), 35-39, 2018
Improvement of Upsetting Process of Four-Beam Workpieces Based on Computerized and Physical Modeling.
OE Markov, VV Kukhar, VN Zlygoriev, AA Shapoval, AS Khvashchynskyi, ...
FME Transactions 48 (4), 2020
Phenomenological model of low-carbon steels hardening during multistage drawing
AV Grushko, VV Kukhar, YO Slobodyanyuk
Solid State Phenomena 265, 114-123, 2017
Effect of particular combinations of quenching, tempering and carburization on abrasive wear of low-carbon manganese steels with metastable austenite
LS Malinov, IE Malysheva, ES Klimov, VV Kukhar, EY Balalayeva
Materials Science Forum 945, 574-578, 2019
Classification of steels according to their sensitivity to fracture using a synergetic model
SG Karnaukh, OE Markov, VV Kukhar, AA Shapoval
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 119 (7), 5277 …, 2022
Development of alternative technology of dual forming of profiled workpiece obtained by buckling
V Kukhar, V Burko, A Prysiazhnyi, E Balalayeva, M Nahnibeda
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 53-61, 2016
Designing of induction heaters for the edges of pre-rolled wide ultrafine sheets and strips correlated with the chilling end-effect
V Kukhar, A Prysiazhnyi, E Balalayeva, O Anishchenko
2017 International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems (MEES …, 2017
Designing and researching of the equipment for cutting by breaking of rolled stock
SG Karnaukh, OE Markov, LI Aliieva, VV Kukhar
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 109 (9), 2457 …, 2020
Electric motors power modes at synchronization of roughing rolling stands of hot strip mill
O Kurpe, V Kukhar, R Puzyr, V Burko, E Balalayeva, E Klimov
2020 IEEE Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and Practice (PAEP), 1-4, 2020
Analysis of the sheet shell's curvature with lame's superellipse method during superplastic forming
OS Anishchenko, VV Kukhar, AV Grushko, IV Vishtak, AH Prysiazhnyi, ...
Materials Science Forum 945, 531-537, 2019
Analysis of relation between edging ratio and deformation work done in pre-forming of workpiece by bulk buckling
V Kukhar, E Balalayeva, A Prysiazhnyi, O Vasylevskyi, I Marchenko
MATEC Web of Conferences 178, 02003, 2018
Form of gradient curve of temperature distribution of lengthwise the billet at differentiated heating before profiling by buckling
V Kukhar, V Artiukh, O Serduik, E Balalayeva
Procedia Engineering 165, 1693-1704, 2016
Producing of elongated forgings with sharpened end by rupture with local heating of the workpiece method
VV Kukhar
Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 122–132, 2015
Estimation of occupational safety risks at energetic sector of Iron and Steel Works
V Kukhar, N Yelistratova, V Burko, Y Nizhelska, O Aksionova
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (2.23), 216-220, 2018
Experimental Research and Method for Calculation of'Upsetting-with-Buckling'Load at the Impression-Free (Dieless) Preforming of Workpiece
V Kukhar, V Artiukh, A Prysiazhnyi, A Pustovgar
E3S Web of Conferences 33, 02031, 2018
Stress-strain state and plasticity reserve depletion on the lateral surface of workpiece at various contact conditions during upsetting
V Kukhar, V Artiukh, A Butyrin, A Prysiazhnyi
Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport, 201-211, 2017
Superplastic forming of shells from sheet blanks with thermally unstable coatings
A Anishchenko, V Kukhar, V Artiukh, A Olga
MATEC Web of Conferences 239, 06006, 2018
Researching of the stress-strain state of the open-type press frame using of elastic compensator of errors of “press-die” system
E Balalayeva, V Artiukh, V Kukhar, O Tuzenko, V Glazko, A Prysiazhnyi, ...
Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport, 220-235, 2017
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