Professor Talal Yusaf
Professor Talal Yusaf
Executive Dean - Higher Education and Emerging Technologies - Aviation Australia
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Diesel engine performance and exhaust emission analysis using waste cooking biodiesel fuel with an artificial neural network
B Ghobadian, H Rahimi, AM Nikbakht, G Najafi, TF Yusaf
Renewable energy 34 (4), 976-982, 2009
Performance and exhaust emissions of a gasoline engine with ethanol blended gasoline fuels using artificial neural network
G Najafi, B Ghobadian, T Tavakoli, DR Buttsworth, TF Yusaf, ...
Applied energy 86 (5), 630-639, 2009
Engine performance and emissions using Jatropha curcas, Ceiba pentandra and Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel in a CI diesel engine
HC Ong, HH Masjuki, TMI Mahlia, AS Silitonga, WT Chong, T Yusaf
Energy 69, 427-445, 2014
Alcohol and ether as alternative fuels in spark ignition engine: A review
OI Awad, R Mamat, OM Ali, NAC Sidik, T Yusaf, K Kadirgama, M Kettner
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 2586-2605, 2018
An overview of marine macroalgae as bioresource
K Sudhakar, R Mamat, M Samykano, WH Azmi, WFW Ishak, T Yusaf
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 91, 165-179, 2018
Coal seam gas and associated water: A review paper
I Hamawand, T Yusaf, SG Hamawand
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 22, 550-560, 2013
CNG-diesel engine performance and exhaust emission analysis with the aid of artificial neural network
TF Yusaf, DR Buttsworth, KH Saleh, BF Yousif
Applied Energy 87 (5), 1661-1669, 2010
Solar energy in Iran: Current state and outlook
G Najafi, B Ghobadian, R Mamat, T Yusaf, WH Azmi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 49, 931-942, 2015
Biofouling in RO system: Mechanisms, monitoring and controlling
RA Al-Juboori, T Yusaf
Desalination 302, 1-23, 2012
Effects of physicochemical properties of biodiesel fuel blends with alcohol on diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions: A review
MSM Zaharin, NR Abdullah, G Najafi, H Sharudin, T Yusaf
Renewable and Sustainable energy reviews 79, 475-493, 2017
Potential of bioethanol production from agricultural wastes in Iran
G Najafi, B Ghobadian, T Tavakoli, T Yusaf
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 13 (6-7), 1418-1427, 2009
Characterization of a diesel engine operating with a small proportion of methanol as a fuel additive in biodiesel blend
MHM Yasin, T Yusaf, R Mamat, AF Yusop
Applied Energy 114, 865-873, 2014
Statistical diagnosis of the best Weibull methods for wind power assessment for agricultural applications
AK Azad, MG Rasul, T Yusaf
Energies 7 (5), 3056-3085, 2014
Novel environmentally friendly fuel: The effects of nanographene oxide additives on the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines fuelled with Ailanthus …
SS Hoseini, G Najafi, B Ghobadian, R Mamat, MT Ebadi, T Yusaf
Renewable energy 125, 283-294, 2018
Future of renewable energies in Iran
B Ghobadian, G Najafi, H Rahimi, TF Yusaf
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 13 (3), 689-695, 2009
A review of hydrogen and natural gas addition in diesel HCCI engines
AA Hairuddin, T Yusaf, AP Wandel
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32, 739-761, 2014
Recycling of waste engine oils using a new washing agent
I Hamawand, T Yusaf, S Rafat
Energies 6 (2), 1023-1049, 2013
Diesel engine performance and exhaust gas emissions using Microalgae Chlorella protothecoides biodiesel
SH Al-lwayzy, T Yusaf
Renewable Energy 101, 690-701, 2017
Performance and emission characteristics of a CI engine using graphene oxide (GO) nano-particles additives in biodiesel-diesel blends
SS Hoseini, G Najafi, B Ghobadian, MT Ebadi, R Mamat, T Yusaf
Renewable Energy 145, 458-465, 2020
Algae as a sustainable energy source for biofuel production in Iran: A case study
G Najafi, B Ghobadian, TF Yusaf
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (8), 3870-3876, 2011
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