Temo Vekua
Temo Vekua
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Vortex and Meissner phases of strongly interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder
M Piraud, F Heidrich-Meisner, IP McCulloch, S Greschner, T Vekua, ...
Physical Review B 91 (14), 140406, 2015
Frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1 2 chain in a magnetic field: The phase diagram and thermodynamic properties
F Heidrich-Meisner, A Honecker, T Vekua
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (2), 020403, 2006
Correlation functions and excitation spectrum of the frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1 2 chain in an external magnetic field
T Vekua, A Honecker, HJ Mikeska, F Heidrich-Meisner
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (17), 174420, 2007
Spontaneous increase of magnetic flux and chiral-current reversal in bosonic ladders: Swimming against the tide
S Greschner, M Piraud, F Heidrich-Meisner, IP McCulloch, U Schollwöck, ...
Physical review letters 115 (19), 190402, 2015
Symmetry-broken states in a system of interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder with a uniform Abelian gauge field
S Greschner, M Piraud, F Heidrich-Meisner, IP McCulloch, U Schollwöck, ...
Physical Review A 94 (6), 063628, 2016
Quantum Otto heat engine based on a multiferroic chain working substance
M Azimi, L Chotorlishvili, SK Mishra, T Vekua, W Hübner, J Berakdar
New Journal of Physics 16 (6), 063018, 2014
Field-induced chiral phase in isotropic frustrated spin chains
A Kolezhuk, T Vekua
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (9), 094424, 2005
Ultracold bosons in zig-zag optical lattices
S Greschner, L Santos, T Vekua
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 033609, 2013
Fidelity at Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless quantum phase transitions
G Sun, AK Kolezhuk, T Vekua
Physical Review B 91 (1), 014418, 2015
Perturbation theories for the spin ladder with a four-spin ring exchange
M Müller, T Vekua, HJ Mikeska
Physical Review B 66 (13), 134423, 2002
Quantum dimer phases in a frustrated spin ladder: Effective field theory approach and exact diagonalization
T Vekua, A Honecker
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (21), 214427, 2006
Phase diagrams of spin ladders with ferromagnetic legs
T Vekua, GI Japaridze, HJ Mikeska
Physical Review B 67 (6), 064419, 2003
Field-induced phase transitions of repulsive spin-1 bosons in optical lattices
K Rodriguez, A Argüelles, AK Kolezhuk, L Santos, T Vekua
Physical Review Letters 106 (10), 105302, 2011
Frustrated spin chains in strong magnetic field: Dilute two-component Bose gas regime
AK Kolezhuk, F Heidrich-Meisner, S Greschner, T Vekua
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (6), 064420, 2012
Mott-Insulator Phases of Spin- Fermions in the Presence of Quadratic Zeeman Coupling
K Rodríguez, A Argüelles, M Colomé-Tatché, T Vekua, L Santos
Physical Review Letters 105 (5), 050402, 2010
Fidelity susceptibility and conductivity of the current in one-dimensional lattice models with open or periodic boundary conditions
S Greschner, AK Kolezhuk, T Vekua
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (19), 195101, 2013
Magnetization plateaus induced by a coupling to the lattice
T Vekua, DC Cabra, A Dobry, C Gazza, D Poilblanc
Physical review letters 96 (11), 117205, 2006
Helical multiferroics for electric field controlled quantum information processing
M Azimi, L Chotorlishvili, SK Mishra, S Greschner, T Vekua, J Berakdar
Physical Review B 89 (2), 024424, 2014
Phase transitions in the and U(1) clock models
G Sun, T Vekua, E Cobanera, G Ortiz
Physical Review B 100 (9), 094428, 2019
Vortex-Hole Duality: A Unified Picture of Weak- and Strong-Coupling Regimes of Bosonic Ladders with Flux
SGT Vekua
Physical Review Letters 119, 073401, 2017
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Articles 1–20